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'Integration' as Illiberal Exceptionalism in Migration Law: The Role of the Euro…

In Centre on Migration, Policy and Society (COMPAS)

Read by Sergio Carrera


University of Oxford Podcasts


Read by Sergio Baldelli

Giacomo Leopardi

La prima edizione dei Canti fu pubblicata a Napoli, curata dall'autore, nel 1835. Superficialmente sarebbe potuta apparire un'ennesima racco…


Read by Sergio Baldelli

Giovanni Pascoli

Myricae, è la raccolta di poesie più amata dal Pascoli. [...] Nel 1903, la raccolta definitiva comprendeva 156 liriche del poe…

Canti orfici

Read by Sergio Baldelli

Dino Campana

Tra il 1912 e il 1913 Campana compone i versi che diventeranno poi (dopo alterne vicende e diverse riscritture) la sua opera più sign…

Canzoniere (Rerum vulgarium fragmenta), vol. 1

Read by Sergio Baldelli

Francesco Petrarca

Il Canzoniere di Francesco Petrarca è stata una grande "rivoluzione" nella letteratura europea in volgare: è il prim…

I Colloqui

Read by Sergio Baldelli

Guido Gustavo Gozzano

Abbandonati gli studi giuridici nel 1908 [Gozzano] si dedica completamente alla poesia e nel 1911 pubblica il suo più importante libr…

Israel at the foot of Mount Sinai — The Preparations for the Covenant — The "Te…

In The Bible History Volume 2: The Exodus and the Wanderings in the Wilderness

Read by Nathali Carrera

Alfred Edersheim

The period covered by the central books of the Pentateuch is, in many respects, the most important in Old Testament history, not only so far…

Her Memory By Dwight M. Wiley (Third Prize Divided)

In Short Stories From Life

Read by Nathali Carrera


Life Magazine held a short story contest. Stories must be no more than 1500 words. Authors were paid for the number of words under that maxi…


In The Moral Pirates

Read by Nathali Carrera

William Livingston Alden

Excerpt: “… you and two or three other fellows might make a splendid cruise in a row-boat. You could have a mast and sail, and you could tak…


In Short Poetry Collection 230

Read by Nathali Carrera

Ella Wheeler Wilcox

This is a collection of 47 poems read in English by LibriVox volunteers for July 2022.

The Day-Dream by Alfred Tennyson

In Love Poems by Famous Authors

Read by Nathali Carrera


A collection of love poems, including the balcony scene from Romeo & Juliet, Tristram & Iseult, and selections from many authors inc…

Crimes Against Humanity: Human rights and Justice in Argentina

In Oxford Transitional Justice Research Seminars

Read by Sergio Torres


University of Oxford Podcasts

An Diotima

In Sammlung deutscher Gedichte 010

Read by Sergio Baldelli

Friedrich Hoelderlin and Friedrich Hölderlin

Eine Sammlung 20 deutscher Gedichte für LibriVox.

Two or three posies

In Short Poetry Collection 051

Read by Sergio Baldelli

John Keats

LibriVox’s Short Poetry Collection 051: a collection of 20 public-domain poems.

Meg Merrilies

In Short Poetry Collection 052

Read by Sergio Baldelli

John Keats

LibriVox's Short Poetry Collection 052: a collection of 20 public-domain poems.

The Wind - Read by SB

In The Wind

Read by Sergio Baldelli

Robert Louis Stevenson

LibriVox volunteers bring you 13 different recordings of The Wind by Robert Louis Stevenson. This was the weekly poetry project for the week…

Il tramonto della luna

In Multilingual Poetry Collection 016

Read by Sergio Baldelli

Giacomo Leopardi

In LibriVox’s Multilingual Poetry Collection, LibriVox volunteers read their favourite public-domain poems in languages other than English. …

Dulce et Decorum Est Read by SB

In Dulce et Decorum Est

Read by Sergio Baldelli

Wilfred Owen

LibriVox volunteers bring you 22 different recordings of Dulce et Decorum Est by Wilfred Owen. This was the weekly poetry project for the we…


In Short Poetry Collection 080

Read by Sergio Baldelli

Lord Byron and George Gordon, Lord Byron

This is a collection of poems read by LibriVox volunteers for the month of June 2009.