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Chapter 1 from The Adventures of Sammy Jay

In First Chapter Collection 011

Read by Henrietta Strauss

Thornton W. Burgess

The first chapter of a book is often the hook to draw a reader in. It could make you eager for more or realize it isn't for you. Here we off…


In The Depths of the Soul

Read by Deanna Strauss

Wilhelm Stekel

Wilhelm Stekel was an Austrian physician and psychologist and one of Freud’s earliest followers. This title, originally published in 1921, w…

Chapter V

In Dawn of the Morning

Read by Deanna Strauss

Grace Livingston Hill

Fresh from school, mistreated and neglected by her father and stepmother, sixteen-year-old Dawn consents to marry a friend of her father's w…

Hidden Worlds: Art within Science

In Wolfson College Podcasts

Read by Katalin Hausel, Mirja Koponen, Lizzie Burns, Paul Matthews, Angela Palmer and Henrietta Bowden-Jones


University of Oxford Podcasts