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Conversion - Read by HEJ

In Conversion

Read by Heather James

Ella Wheeler Wilcox

Among the twelve hundred poems which have emanated from my too prolific pen there are some forty or fifty which treat entirely of that emoti…

The Charge of the "Rad." Brigade

In Parodies on Tennyson's Charge of the Light Brigade

Read by Heather James

Walter Hamilton

This extract, taken from Parodies of the works of English and American Authors, vol 1, of parodies of Tennyson's Charge of the Light Brigade…

At Sunrise - Read by HEJ

In At Sunrise

Read by Heather James

Bliss Carman

Canada has full right to be proud of her poets, a small body though they are; but not only does Mr. Carman stand high and clear above them a…

Song of the Cattle-Hunters

In Poems and Songs

Read by Heather James

Henry Kendall

Henry Kendall was the first Australian poet to draw his inspiration from the life, scenery and traditions of the country. In the beginnings …