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A New Paradigm for Environmental Protection for the 21st Century

In Leaders for the world's future - The Rhodes Trust

Read by Dan Esty, Kumi Naidoo, Simon Upton and Zinta Zommers


University of Oxford Podcasts

What the World Needs Now from the Environmental Movement

In Alumni Weekend

Read by Kumi Naidoo


University of Oxford Podcasts

Lilith's Love

Read by Dan Shaurette

Dan Shaurette

Donovan, lonely and getting over the recent death of his parents, asks his long-time friend Christian to move in with him when he relocates …

Kant's Critique of Pure Reason

Read by Dan Robinson

Dan Robinson

University of Oxford Podcasts

Black Magic

Read by Dan Shaurette

Dan Shaurette

BLACK MAGIC, is a new short story by Dan Shaurette, a prequel to his upcoming novel, BLACK CITY. Capt. Matt Black and Dr. Andrew MacGillivra…

Black Jack

Read by Dan Shaurette

Dan Shaurette

BLACK JACK, is a new short story by Dan Shaurette, a prequel to his upcoming novel, BLACK CASTLE. Confidence artist Jacob Springer discovers…

Reid's Critique of Hume

Read by Dan Robinson

Dan Robinson

University of Oxford Podcasts

The Casebook of D.I. Snaith

Read by Dan Evans

Dan Evans

The first compilation of the adventures of England's most peerless pig, Detective Inspector Snaith. Cracking crime in a Britain just a few y…

The World of Unicellular

Read by Oleg Seriy and MaRiCaBo

Oleg Seriy and MaRiCaBo

It is the next book of an author of apocalyptic books. It may be said that this book is an adapted version of “Book of Rescue from the Dooms…


Read by Simon Evers

John Buchan

Dickson McCunn, a respectable, newly retired grocer, plans a walking holiday in the hills of south-west Scotland. He meets a young English p…

The Grand Babylon Hotel

Read by Anna Simon

Arnold Bennett

Theodore Racksole, a rich American multi-millionaire, buys the Grand Babylon Hotel, a luxurious hotel in London, as a whim - and then finds …

A Silent Witness

Read by Anna Simon

R. Austin Freeman

In this detective novel, the young doctor Humphrey Jardine stumbles upon a corpse during a walk near Hampstead Heath in the middle of the ni…

Patricia Brent, spinster

Read by Anna Simon

Herbert George Jenkins

A romantic comedy, written in 1918, but with a modern feel to it. Patricia Brent one day overhears two fellow-boarders pitying her because s…

Lady Anna

Read by Simon Evers

Anthony Trollope

When it appeared in 1874, Lady Anna met with little success, and positively outraged the conservative - `This is the sort of thing the readi…

Malcolm Sage, Detective

Read by Anna Simon

Herbert George Jenkins

A collection of short stories that chronicles the first year of the Malcolm Sage Detective Bureau.Sequel or companion story of John Dene of …

The Praise of Folly

Read by Anna Simon

Desiderius Erasmus

The Praise of Folly (Greek title: Morias Enkomion (Μωρίας Εγκώμιον), Latin: Stultitiae Laus, sometimes translated as In Praise of Folly, Dut…

The Return of Alfred

Read by Anna Simon

Herbert George Jenkins

The hero of the book is at a loose end, weary and bored of his old life after returning from the Great War. After an argument with his uncle…


Read by Anna Simon

Errico Malatesta

Anarchy explained by the anarchist Errico Malatesta. (Summary by Vineshen Pillay)

The Rain-Girl

Read by Anna Simon

Herbert George Jenkins

Richard Beresford has recently returned from the WW-I trenches. He feels he can't go back to his old life in the Foreign Office. Instead, he…

Anthony Trent, Master Criminal

Read by Anna Simon

Wyndham Martyn

In 1918, Anthony Trent, a well-educated young man in his late twenties, lives an unsatisfactory life in a New York boarding house. He writes…

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