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The Wisest One

In Wilderness Babies

Read by Brandon Weston

Julia Augusta Schwartz

This book tells the stories of some of the baby mammals of the wilderness,—how they grow and learn day by day to take care of themselves. In…

Marguerite - I. Alive in Death

In The Jolly Parisiennes and Other Novelettes

Read by Brandon Weston

Émile Zola

“The Jolly Parisiennes” by Émile Zola is a very clever, brilliant and interesting romance of a “grande passion” with an undercurrent …


In Choice Cookery

Read by Brandon Weston

Catherine Owen

Choice cookery is not intended for households that have to study economy, except where economy is a relative term; where, perhaps, the house…


In Folk-Lore and Legends: Scandinavian

Read by Brandon Weston

Charles John Tibbits

Thanks to Thiele, to Hylten-Cavallius and Stephens, and to Asbjörnsen and Moe, Scandinavian Folklore is well to the front. Its treasure…

A Talk About Coleuses

In Talks About Flowers

Read by Brandon Weston

Mary Decker Wellcome

To all Flower Lovers who may read these pages, we come with kindly greetings. To you we dedicate our Work. Encouraged by the many testimonia…

The Manufacture of Handkerchief Perfumes, Bouquets, or Aromatic Waters

In Perfumes and their Preparation

Read by Brandon Weston

George William Askinson

Most of us take for granted the sense of smell. It gives pleasure, warning, anticipation and a sense of nostalgia. People have used perfumes…

A Life of Death

Read by Weston Kincade

Weston Kincade

A paranormal coming-of-age mystery about one boy's pain and hardship endured in a small Virginia town. Losing a father and growing up with …