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Chapter 4

In A Phantom Lover

Read by Anthony Leslie

Vernon Lee

A Phantom Lover is a supernatural novella by Vernon Lee (pseudonym of Violet Paget) first published in 1886. Set in a Kentish manor house, t…

Chapter V

In The Journal of Lewis and Clarke (1840)

Read by Leslie Howard

Meriwether Lewis and William Clark and Meriwether Lewis

"The expedition of Messrs. Lewis and Clarke, for exploring the river Missouri, and the best communication from that to the Pacific Ocea…

Chick, the Cherub

In John Dough and the Cherub

Read by Leslie Howard

L. Frank Baum

An evil Arabian sorcerer loans a golden flask full of the Great Elixir - a magic liquid that endows a person with pronounced health, strengt…

01 - The Octopus Marooned

In The Gentle Grafter

Read by Leslie Walden

O. Henry

If Jefferson "Parleyvoo" Pickens had appeared in print just a few years later, he might have been the "Gentle Grifter" i…

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