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Rigour and Openness in 21st Century Science: Panel 4 part 3

In Open Science

Read by Jason Wilde


University of Oxford Podcasts

Heritage Speaker Bilingualism: Input Issues in Grammatical Outcomes

In Department of Education Public Seminars

Read by Jason Rothman


University of Oxford Podcasts

The child in international refugee law

In Refugee Studies Centre

Read by Jason Pobjoy


University of Oxford Podcasts

Regional integration and welfare-state convergence in Europe

In Department of Sociology Podcasts

Read by Jason Beckfield


University of Oxford Podcasts

Chapter 1

In The ID Files

Read by Jason Rennie

Jason Rennie

The ID Files is a compilation of interviews about the recent Intelligent Design Controversy taken from The Sci Phi Show (http://thesciphisho…

Georgia Purdom, Isn't ID just Creationism in Disguise?

In Darwin or Design

Read by Jason Rennie

Jason Rennie

Darwin or Design is a collection of interviews with 25 people on both sides of the intelligent design question. There are interviews on what…

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