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Essay Twenty Three

In The Last Essays of Elia

Read by Tony Addison

Charles Lamb

Discursive ramblings of a generous mind, no-one would know from Lamb's conversational button-holing of you and telling you whatever is on hi…

Henry IV pt. I - Falstaff - 'Tis not due yet: I would be loath to pay him befor…

In Shakespeare Monologues Collection vol. 11 (Multilingual)

Read by Tony Scheinman

William Shakespeare

This is the eleventh collection of monologues from Shakespeare's various plays. Various characters will speak on various topics, some of the…

Letter 14 Lovelace

In Clarissa Harlowe, or the History of a Young Lady - Volume 6

Read by Tony Addison

Samuel Richardson

It tells the tragic story of a heroine whose quest for virtue is continually thwarted by her family, It is generally regarded as Richardson'…

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