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pa set03

Nathan C. Johnson

Audio Bible Studies from an Acts 28 Dispensational position.

pa set11

Nathan C. Johnson

Precepts Audio files by Nathan C. Johnson

psa set13

Nathan C. Johnson

Precepts Sermon Audio files by Nathan C. Johnson

psa set12

Nathan C. Johnson

Precepts Sermon Audio files by Nathan C. Johnson

A Compendious History of English Literature and of the English Language, Volume…

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

George Lillie Craik

The History of English Literature and Language may be recommended to the student as a guide always sure, and as satisfactory as its limits w…

12. The Restless Prophet (September 18) Ken Hart Sabbath School 2021 Quarter 3 …

2021 3rd third quarter (July August September) topic: "Rest in Christ" (Ken Hart's Sabbath School class in Loma Linda, California,…

5. The Stranger in Your Gates (October 30) Ken Hart Sabbath School 2021 Quarter…

2021 4th fourth quarter (October November December) topic: "Present Truth in Deuteronomy" (Ken Hart's Sabbath School class in Loma…

6. Finding Rest in Family Ties (August 7) Ken Hart Sabbath School 2021 Quarter …

2021 3rd third quarter (July August September) topic: "Resting in Christ" (Ken Hart's Sabbath School class in Loma Linda, Californ…

In His Presence

Kenny Custer

Bro. Custer relates a story of a church service he attended while traveling. A small boy was dancing and moving along with the music during …

Famous Men of Modern Times

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John Henry Haaren

Famous Men of Modern Times is a series of biographical sketches written for the purpose of making the study of history lively and interestin…

Little Masterpieces of Science - Mind

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

George Iles

Another in the series "Little Masterpieces of Science" edited by George Iles, Mind is a collection of articles and book chapters t…

Lamrim Year Meditation

Ven Katy Cole

Lamrim Year Meditation with Ven. Katy Cole Mondays, 6:00pm – 7:00pm September 6 – December 13, 2021 The lamrim, stages of the path, is a cor…

Entry into Gita

Swami Guruparananda

These 3 talks tell us why we must study the Bhagavad Gita. The content of the Gita is given in a nutshell and the benefit of studying the Gi…

2/27/11 "The Language of Love" by Owen Barrow

Apex UMC

Sermon Series: Love and Marriage "The Language of Love" by Owen Barrow Scripture Lesson: I Corinthians 13:1-13 Recorded during the…

Alice in Wonderland, Retold in Words of One Syllable

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J.C. Gorham

The well known and delightful tale of Alice in Wonderland but retold in simpler language. All the characters are there, even the Cheshire C…

A Century of Negro Migration

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Carter Woodson

Dr. Woodson describes the internal migration of African Americans within the United States, including the Northern Migration and the draw of…


Maulana Wahiduddin Khan

Study of Quran

The Coming Of Christ Part 4

Pastor Bob Schultz

Today will study Philippians 2:3-11 our final message in the Advent series.

Quran with english translation


This is audible Qur'an with English translation read by Ibrahim Walk. The reciter of Qur'an is Abdullah Basfar. This set is very rare and is…

5777 Torah Parasha Devarim Audio

Assembly of Called-Out Believers

The 44th Torah Parashot Study - "Devarim" meaning "Words" taken from Deut. 1:1 - 3:22 Torah Teaching at the Assembly of …

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