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Chapter X

In Through the Magic Door

Read by Jack Albert

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

I care not how humble your bookshelf may be, nor how lowly the room which it adorns. Close the door of that room behind you, shut off with i…

Chapter VI, Part 19

In The History of England, from the Accession of James II - (Volume 2, Chapter 06)

Read by Jack Sundrud

Thomas Babington Macaulay

This chapter starts from about 1685. James is on the throne and, as ever, there are disputes between crown and Parliament. We see the Habeus…


In Bib Ballads

Read by Jack Thro

Ring Lardner

Ring Lardner is a typical parent when his first child is born, full of wonder and the rest of the usual emotions as he watches his little so…

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