Only months after his return from his mammoth Second Voyage, the Admiralty ordered Cook back to the Pacific, ostensibly to return Omai, a yo…
That the Expository Treatises of Calvin on Paul's Epistles should be considered by the most eminent critics to be peculiarly successful is t…
This 1926 collection of sixteen essays on religion by well-known people (mostly authors) in the early 20th century brings together articles …
An idiosyncratic view of various aspects of London, England, published in 1921. Walter Lionel George (1882 – 1926) was an English writer, c…
Eleven short works or book chapters about Christmas or around that time period. - Summary by David Wales
This 1927 work is the third and final in Walpole’s Jeremy series. (The others are Jeremy and Jeremy And Hamlet.) Jeremy’s home is in Polches…
The Reverend Edward John Hardy, ordained in the Church Of Ireland, was a chaplain in the British army for thirty one years. His 1915 collec…