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Baron D'Holbach

In Ancient and Modern Celebrated Freethinkers

Read by Ted Delorme

Charles Bradlaugh

This book presents a brief bio and a summary of important ideas & events in the lives of 23 great philosophers from ancient times throug…

11 - MEMORY part 2

In The Analysis of Mind

Read by Ted Delorme

Bertrand Russell

A neat work on philosophy of mind by the 20th century analytic philosopher Bertrand Russell. (Summary by sidhu177)

The Truth

In The Works of Robert G. Ingersoll, Volume 4

Read by Ted Delorme

Robert G. Ingersoll

Col. Robert G. Ingersoll, one of the greatest orators of the mid-19th century, was a highly sought after lecturer/toastmaster who sold out e…

01 - Cadmus

In Romulus

Read by Ted Garvin

Jacob Abbott

Jacob Abbott wrote many historical books for children. He was careful to ensure historical accuracy, and as he said himself in the preface t…

10 - The Wild Huntsman

In The Fairies and the Christmas Child

Read by Ted Nugent

Lilian Gask

The worst of being a Christmas Child is that you don’t get birthday presents, but only Christmas ones. Old Naylor, who was Father’s coachman…


In The Diamond Cross Mystery

Read by Ted Nugent

Chester K. Steele

Colonel Ashley is confronted with a difficult case: The proprietor of a jewelry shop is found murdered, and a valuable diamond cross is stol…


In A Fair Barbarian

Read by Ted Nugent

Frances Hodgson Burnett

The setting is a small English village in the 19th century. When her niece shows up on her doorstep unexpectedly, a quiet spinster finds her…

11 - Roderick's Dream

In The Wolf Hunters

Read by Ted Nugent

James Oliver Curwood

Follow Roderick and his friends Wabi and Mukoki on their adventures in the pristine North. They fight voracious wolves, hostile natives, and…

24 - Lucian Is Surprised

In The Silent House

Read by Ted Nugent

Fergus Hume

A mystery about a "locked door" murder committed in a house that has a reputation for being haunted. In the first half of the book…


In Aunt Jane's Nieces at Work

Read by Ted Nugent

L. Frank Baum

The novel carries forward the continuing story of the three cousins Louise Merrick, Beth De Graf, and Patsy Doyle, and their circle. The tit…

6 - Observations by a Commander of a British Merchant-Ship

In Piloting Directions for the Gulf of Finland

Read by Ted Garvin

J. W. Norie and John William Norie

Norie's series of piloting and sailing directions was something of a staple in the chart-room of 19th century British (and other) merchant v…


In Essays book 1

Read by Ted Garvin

Michel de Montaigne and Michel Eyquem De Montaigne

Michel Eyquem de Montaigne is one of the most influential writers of the French Renaissance, known for popularising the essay as a literary …

13 - More Measles

In The Little Colonel's House Party

Read by Ted Nugent

Annie Fellows Johnston

Lloyd Sherman, the "Little Colonel", is a girl of eleven whose mother invites three other girls to spend a month with Lloyd in her…

14 The Lord of Death: Part 4 The Queen of Life - Chapter 1 Next Stop, Venus!

In The Lord of Death and the Queen of Life

Read by Ted Nugent

Homer Eon Flint

A doctor, an architect, an engineer, and a geologist step into a space car. In their new invention, they set off on an expedition to Mercury…

15 - Joseph's Return

In The Tavern Knight

Read by Ted Garvin

Rafael Sabatini

Follow the exploits of Sir Crispin Galliard, also known as The Tavern Knight, in his defence of the King of England against Cromwell and his…

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