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Sophistical Elenchi

Read by Geoffrey Edwards


The Sophistical Elenchi is the sixth of Aristotle's six texts on logic which are collectively known as the Organon ("Instrument").…


Read by Geoffrey Edwards


Philebus (ΦΙΛΗΒΟΣ) discusses pleasure, wisdom, soul and God. (Summary by Geoffrey Edwards)


Read by Geoffrey Edwards


Euthydemus (Εὐθύδημος) and Dionysodorus the sophists discuss the meaning of words with Socrates. (Summary by Geoffrey Edwards)


Read by Geoffrey Edwards


Eryxias (ΕΡΥΞΙΑΣ) may not have been written by Plato (ΠΛΑΤΩΝ). The dialogue discusses whether wealth has value and what the aim of philosoph…

An Essay on the Principle of Population

Read by Geoffrey Edwards

Thomas Malthus

The power of population is indefinitely greater than the power in the earth to produce subsistence for man. Population, when unchecked, incr…


Read by Geoffrey Edwards


Laches (Λάχης) discusses examples of courage including weapons masters, soldiers who stand firm in battle, ferocious animals and the wise pe…


Read by Geoffrey Edwards

Plotinus and Porphyry

The six Enneads (ΕΝΝΕΑΔΕΣ) are the collected writings of the Neoplatonic philosopher Plotinus (ΠΛΩΤΙΝΟΣ) arranged by his student Porphyry (Π…

Tusculan Disputations

Read by Geoffrey Edwards

Marcus Tullius Cicero

Tusculan Disputations (Latin: TUSCULANARUM DISPUTATIONUM) is divided into five books which discuss death, pain, grief, perturbations and vir…

Three Dialogues between Hylas and Philonous

Read by Geoffrey Edwards

George Berkeley

Berkeley uses Hylas as his primary contemporary philosophical adversary, John Locke. A Hylas is featured in Greek mythology and the name Hyl…

Magna Moralia

Read by Geoffrey Edwards


Magna Moralia (Ancient Greek: ΗΟΙΚΩΝ ΜΕΓΑΛΩΝ, English: Great Ethics) discusses topics including friendship, virtue, happiness and God. It is…


Read by Geoffrey Edwards


It is not generally agreed whether Plato was the author of any of these books. I. Hippias Major (or Greater Hippias)II. Second Alcibiades (…


Read by Geoffrey Edwards


Menexenus (ΜΕΝΕΞΕΝΟΣ) is thought to have been written by Plato (ΠΛΑΤΩΝ). The dialogue consists of Socrates (ΣΩΚΡΑΤΗΣ) recounting a funeral o…


Read by Geoffrey Edwards


Opuscula is a collection of shorter books that may or may not have been written by Aristotle.1. On Colours2. On Things Heard3. Physiognomoni…

Elements of Theology

Read by Geoffrey Edwards


The Elements of Theology (ΣΤΟΙΧΕΙΩΣΙΣ ΘΕΟΛΟΓΙΚΗ) was written by the Greek Neoplatonist philosopher Proclus (ΠΡΟΚΛΟΣ) and translated by Thoma…

On the Parts of Animals

Read by Geoffrey Edwards


On the Parts of Animals (Greek: ΠΕΡΙ ΖΩΩΝ ΜΟΡΙΩΝ; Latin: De Partibus Animalium) by Aristotle (ΑΡΙΣΤΟΤΕΛΗΣ). The first book asks whether anim…

The Six Books of Proclus, the Platonic Successor, on the Theology of Plato

Read by Geoffrey Edwards

Proclus and Thomas Taylor

The Six books of Proclus, the Platonic successor, on The Theology of Plato (Greek: ΠΕΡΙ ΤΗΣ ΚΑΤΑ ΠΛΑΤΩΝΑ ΘΕΟΛΟΓΙΑΣ; Latin: Theologia Platoni…

History of Animals

Read by Geoffrey Edwards


(Greek: Τῶν περὶ τὰ ζῷα ἱστοριῶν, Ton peri ta zoia historion, "Inquiries on Animals"; Latin: Historia Animalium, "History of …

Generation of Animals

Read by Geoffrey Edwards


Generation of Animals (or On the Generation of Animals; Greek: Περὶ ζῴων γενέσεως (Peri Zoion Geneseos); Latin: De Generatione Animalium) Bo…

Meteorology, On the Universe & On Breath

Read by Geoffrey Edwards


Meteorology (Greek: Μετεωρολογικά; Latin: Meteorologica or Meteora) by Aristotle Translated by Erwin Wentworth Webster before he fell in act…

Diamond Sutra and Heart Sutra

Read by Geoffrey Edwards

Unknowntranslated Bywilliam Gemmellandsamuel Beal and Translated Bywilliam Gemmellandsamuel Beal

The Diamond Sutra is a Mahāyāna (Buddhist) sutra from the genre of Prajñāpāramitā ('perfection of wisdom') sutras. The Diamond Sūtra …

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