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St Hilda's College: undergraduate life

In St Hilda's College Podcasts

Read by Lucia Nixon and Helen Swift


University of Oxford Podcasts

Digital Sketchbooks: using tablets to support a museum art trip

In Illuminating the Museums conference 2014

Read by Adrian Brooks and Helen Ward


University of Oxford Podcasts

Conclusion - taking iPads and tablets into the classroom

In Digital Sketchbooks: Using tablets to support a museum art visit

Read by Helen Ward and Adrian Brooks


University of Oxford Podcasts

Studying Medieval and Modern Languages at St Hilda's College

In Modern Languages

Read by Helen Swift and Lucia Nixon


University of Oxford Podcasts

Water Lives: forging a science-policy interface

In School of Geography and the Environment Podcasts

Read by Paul Jepson and Helen Scales


University of Oxford Podcasts

Tales from the Zooniverse or, What to do with a million scientists

In Oxford Internet Institute

Read by Chris Lintott and Helen Margetts


University of Oxford Podcasts

The Oxford interview - Medicine

In Undergraduate Admissions (PodOxford)

Read by Helen Christian and Robert Wilkins


University of Oxford Podcasts

Body Arts: Scent, Pain and Exchange

In Pitt Rivers Museum

Read by Jeremy MacClancy and Helen Hales


University of Oxford Podcasts

Careers in International Charities

In Careers Service at Oxford University

Read by Renate Reisinger and Helen Campbell Pickford


University of Oxford Podcasts


In Keble College

Read by Viktor Mayer-Schonberger and Helen Margetts


University of Oxford Podcasts

Darwin 200: Dawkins and Harries

In Darwin 200

Read by Richard Dawkins, Richard Harries and Jeremy Paxman

Richard Dawkins, Richard Harries and Jeremy Paxman

University of Oxford Podcasts

The Middle East Revolution: take 2, Constitutionalism

In Foundation for Law, Justice and Society

Read by Chibli Mallat and Tom Ginsburg


University of Oxford Podcasts

The Legacy of Margaret Thatcher

In The Legacy of Margaret Thatcher

Read by Gillian Peele and Tom Lubbock

Gillian Peele and Tom Lubbock

University of Oxford Podcasts

Humanitarianism and History: Rethinking the Neutrality Debate

In Ethics, Law and Armed Conflict

Read by Tom Smith and Urvashi Aneja


University of Oxford Podcasts

A little piracy can be a good thing: what the press can learn from Hollywood

In Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism

Read by Tom Thomson and Grant Gibson


University of Oxford Podcasts

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