A history of southern Scots families (reivers). "There are few more remarkable phenomena in the political or social life of Scotland th…
While spending a weekend at Ten Acres, David Curtis, a blind physician, in grouping (sic) his way along the passage to his room stumbles upo…
In Policeman Bluejay (Version 2)
L. Frank Baum, the author of the OZ series, penned these stories and his magic touch shines through. Twinkles and Chubbins (two little chil…
In Bees, Shown to the Children
A very good introduction to the bee, including its physical and behavioral characteristics. Most appropriate for children. - Summary by Kevi…
In The Seven Lively Arts
“... But, beside those great men, there is a certain number of artists who have a distinct faculty of their own by which they convey to us a…