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Percy Bysshe Shelley - Letter to Mary Shelley

In The Bodleian Libraries (BODcasts)

Read by Henry Cockburn


University of Oxford Podcasts

Chapter 2 Of The Degrees of Our Knowledge

In An Essay Concerning Human Understanding Book IV

Read by Jennifer Henry

John Locke

This is the fourth book of John Locke's Essay Concerning Human Understanding. His book deals with knowledge and probability. He asks how far…

Chapter 23 Part I

In Two Years in Oregon

Read by Jennifer Henry

Wallis Nash

Wallis Nash was a British lawyer who visited Oregon and later emigrated with his family. His account covers a great breadth of description …

The Two Crabs

In Fables of Aesop and Others

Read by Jennifer Henry


The origins of these fables are perhaps lost in obscurity, but they are so closely identified with the Greek writer Aesop, that we may regar…

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