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Chapter 01

In Jacob's Room

Read by Amanda

Virginia Woolf

The novel centres, in a very ambiguous way, around the life story of the protagonist Jacob Flanders, and is presented entirely by the impres…

Part 1, chapter 2

In Tolstoy on Shakespeare

Read by Amanda

Leo Tolstoy

This book contains a critical essay on Shakespeare by Leo Tolstoy. It is followed by another essay named "Shakespeare's attitude to the…

Episode 1

In The Sweetest One

Read by Stephen L. Moss

Stephen L. Moss

“Where Were You the Night Billy Reno Died?” Bass guitarist Paul Kingston didn’t kill his old friend Billy, but the cops say he did, and he’s…

Episode 15

In Autumn Leaves

Read by Stephen L. Moss

Stephen L. Moss

Who Killed Clive Peterson? Bass guitarist Paul Kingston is happy to take a last-minute job playing with Milwaukee’s greatest jazz band. But …

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