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The Caves of Stelnregon

In Iron Dragons

Read by Derek Gilbert

Derek Gilbert

Book 1 of The Saramond Quests Dragon pee really stinks. With that bit of cautionary advice, master dragonslayer Davian begins his tale. Davi…

The God Conspiracy: Episode 4

In The God Conspiracy

Read by Derek Gilbert

Derek Gilbert

One e-mail. Five lines. 4,000 dead. And it is only just beginning… When a small boy in Iowa forwards a mysterious email from ‘God’ to a smal…

Chapter 12

In The Secret Agent

Read by Derek Elliot

conrad_j and Joseph Conrad

The Secret Agent is Conrad's dark, and darkly comic story of a band of spies, anarchists, agents-provocateurs plotting and counter-plotting …

Tom Overhears Something

In Tom Swift and His Motorcycle

Read by Derek Trial

Victor Appleton

This is the very first Tom Swift adventure. Tom Swift has a newly purchased motorcycle, which he is modifying with his own inventions. He vo…

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