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Britain and Japan; Reflections on the bilateral relationship

In Nissan Institute of Japanese Studies

Read by David Warren


University of Oxford Podcasts

South Sea Tales

Read by Warren Kati

Jack London

The eight short stories that comprise South Sea Tales are powerful tales that vividly evoke the early 1900’s colonial South Pacific islands.…

In Search of Treasure

Read by Warren Kati

Horatio Alger, Jr.

Guy Fenwick is a bright boy of 16 who lives with his clergyman father near New Bedford, Massachusetts. Guy receives permission from his fath…

Strictly Business: More Stories of the Four Million

Read by Warren Kati

O. Henry

O. Henry is the pen name of American writer William Sydney Porter (1862-1910). His short stories are known for their wit, wordplay, characte…

The Abysmal Brute

Read by Warren Kati

Jack London

Young Pat Glendon is twenty-two years old, weighs two-hundred and twenty pounds, has never drunk alcohol nor tasted tobacco and knows little…

The Wives of Henry the Eighth and the Parts They Played in History

Read by Warren Kati

Martin A. S. Hume

King Henry VIII is so often depicted as a far-seeing statesman, pressing forward through a lifetime with his eyes firmly fixed upon the goal…

The Able McLaughlins

Read by Warren Kati

Margaret Wilson

The Able McLaughlins won the Pulitzer Prize for a novel in 1924 in Margaret Wilson's debut work. Aptly described as "Little House on th…

The Harvester (Version 2)

Read by Warren Kati

Gene Stratton-Porter

David Langston (a.k.a. the Harvester) is 26 years old and lives a simple life in the Midwest with his dog, cultivating and harvesting trees,…

Fourth National Climate Assessment, Volume II: Impacts, Risks and Adaption in t…

Read by Warren Kati

USGCRP, Usgcrp and Us Global Change Research Program

Are you interested in learning about climate change and its current and future effects on the United States? The Fourth National Climate Ass…

The Re-creation of Brian Kent

Read by Warren Kati

Harold Bell Wright

Brian Kent is a bank clerk who is driven by a variety of circumstances to commit a series of thefts from his employer. Remorseful, drunk, s…

The Black Buccaneer

Read by Warren Bergmann

Stephen W. Meader

Two teen boys are kidnapped by pirates along the Atlantic coast of the American colonies in the early 1700s. It is a privilege for me to mak…

The Moon Terror

Read by Donald Warren

Albert G. Birch

Undecipherable radio signals are picked up all over the world leaving scientists baffled. Earthquakes begin to happen, oceans begin to rise…

Microbe Hunters

Read by Warren Kati

Paul De Kruif

Microbe Hunters provides dramatized accounts of eleven early pioneers of microbiology and their important discoveries. Beginning in 1650 wit…

The Abysmal Horror

Read by Warren Kati

Bruce Wallis

While on holiday at an inexpensive English seaside resort, twenty-six-year-old Batson was contemplating the monotony of his life when he wit…

Charles Dickens and Music

Read by Warren Bergmann

James T. Lightwood

This is a detailed exploration of the references to music in the novels of Dickens: songs, instrumental pieces, performers, composers, and m…

The Return of Sherlock Holmes (Version 3)

Read by David Clarke

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

The book was first published in February 1905 by McClure, Phillips & Co. (New York) then on March 7, 1905 by Georges Newnes, Ltd. (Londo…

The Count of Monte Cristo (version 3)

Read by David Clarke

Alexandre Dumas

Le Comte de Monte-Cristo is an adventure novel and one of the author's most popular works. He completed the work in 1844. The story takes pl…

The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

Read by David Barnes

Robert Louis Stevenson

The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde is a novella by the Scottish author Robert Louis Stevenson, first published in 1886. London lawyer…

The Pursuit of God

Read by David Leeson

Aiden Wilson Tozer

"As the heart panteth after the water brooks, so panteth my soul after thee, O God." This thirst for an intimate relationship with…

The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes (version 4)

Read by David Clarke

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes is a collection of 12 short stories that were originally illustrated by Sidney Paget. These are the first…

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