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Chapter 3, Part 1

In Heart of Darkness (version 3)

Read by Christine

Joseph Conrad

Heart of Darkness tells the story of an English seaman, Charles Marlow, who embarks on a voyage up the Congo River and into the African wild…

The Damned Thing

In Short Ghost and Horror Collection 043

Read by Christine

Ambrose Bierce

A collection of twenty stories featuring ghoulies, ghosties, long-legged beasties and things that go bump in the night. Expect shivers up yo…

The Lost Lenore

In The Castle of Twilight

Read by Christine

Margaret Horton Potter

"Wistfully I deliver up to you my simple story, knowing that the first suggestion of “historical novel” will bring before you an image …

Historical Time in Contemporary Art: Longue Durée Revisited

In Institute for Visual Research

Read by Christine Ross, Amelia Barikin and Anthony Gardner


University of Oxford Podcasts

Britain and Germany in Europe: What Prospects? Session two.

In Mansfield College

Read by Christine Dalby, Rudolf Adam and Paul Betts


University of Oxford Podcasts

Defining water security for heavy manufacturing industries in Teesside, North Ea…

In Water Security, Risk and Society Conference

Read by Christine McCulloch


University of Oxford Podcasts

THEMIS: The relevance of ‘feedback mechanisms' in migration impacted regions

In International Migration Institute

Read by Christine Timmerman


University of Oxford Podcasts

The UN's obligation to investigate disappearances and killings in Kosovo: the wo…

In Public International Law Discussion Group

Read by Christine Chinkin


University of Oxford Podcasts

Old Boats - Read by CAL

In Old Boats

Read by Christine Lehman

Theodosia Garrison

There is little information on Theodosia Garrison available. This poem is taken from The Dreamers and Other Poems, George H. Doran Company, …

Reproducibility: Gold or Fool's Gold in Digital Social Research?

In Oxford Internet Institute

Read by Christine Borgman


University of Oxford Podcasts

The Great Moment

In Human Affairs

Read by Christine Rottger

Vincent O'Sullivan

Vincent O'Sullivan was a celebrated writer of decadent and morbid fiction of his time, a notable contemporary of Oscar Wilde. While O'Sulliv…

Pompe Funèbre

In The Mystery Of Choice

Read by Christine Rottger

Robert W. Chambers

The Mystery of Choice is a collection of short horror stories written by Robert W. Chambers. The stories, set in France, are known for their…

Appendix 5 - General Washington's Farewell Address

In History of the Rise, Progress and Termination of the American Revolution Vol. 3

Read by Christine Rottger

Mercy Otis Warren

A contemporary three-volume history of the American Revolution written with an Enlightenment tone that covers the background of the era span…

Marjorie Daw

In Out of the Closet: A Collection of Early LGBTQ+ Fiction

Read by Christine Rottger

Thomas Bailey Aldrich

This is a collection of 22 LGBTQ+ stories published between 1841-1923, covering a wide span of authors, genres, and literary traditions. Som…


In Childhood's Favorites and Fairy Stories

Read by Christine Blachford


Since this series of books is intended for all young people from oneto one hundred, it opens with about eighty of the old MOTHER GOOSERHYMES…

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