LibriVox Audio Books

A Cidade e as Serras

Read by L.S.B.Seabra

José Maria De Eça De Queirós

Numa manhã de Inverno, o cosmopolita Jacinto decide regressar à sua Tormes natal, pacata vila das serras portuguesas, acompanh…


Read by Ciufi Galeazzi

Bertrand Russell

Bertrand Russell was a well known mathematician, philosopher, and author. First published in England under the title "An Outline of Ph…

Man and Maid

Read by Peter Yearsley

E. Nesbit

A collection of the author's short stories for adults, with some supernatural ones. - Summary by Peter Yearsley

Memoirs of a London Doll

Read by VO Gal

Richard Henry Horne

This is a fictional work written in the early 20th century. The story is narrated by Maria Poppet, a doll with a unique consciousness, offer…

Everybody's Book of Luck

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

William James Mcglothlin

The book of luck or, a guide to your success, fortune, future, palmistry, astrology, etc . is an engrossing compendium of legends, myths and…

Stories of the Coal Mine

Read by Steve C

Frank Mundell

Men, women and children (who could until 1842 be as young as four years old and from 1900 had to be over thirteen years of age) worked in th…

Snowed Under

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Ella Wheeler Wilcox

LibriVox volunteers bring you 16 recordings of Snowed Under by Ella Wheeler Wilcox.This was the Fortnightly Poetry project for December 22, …

Little Poems in Prose

Read by Ben Tucker

Charles Baudelaire

Noted macabre poet Charles Baudelaire later in life wrote this collection of brief sketches, what he deemed "little poems in prose"…

The New Year

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Madison Cawein

LibriVox volunteers bring you 9 recordings of The New Year by Madison Julius Cawein.This was the Weekly Poetry project for December 29, 202…

A Farewell to Arms

Read by KevinS

Ernest Hemingway

Ernest Hemingway's novel A Farewell to Arms is often referred to as a war novel, which is true enough. There is certainly blood and gore, al…

Home Education Series Vol. IV: Ourselves, Book II. Self-Direction

Read by Linda Andrus

Charlotte Mason

This is Book II of the fourth volume in the Home Education Series detailing Charlotte Mason's method of education. This volume is subtitled…

The Tragedy of Titus Andronicus (version 2)

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

William Shakespeare

Perhaps no play in William Shakespeare's body of work is more divisive than his first tragedy Titus Andronicus, wherein the titular Roman ge…

A Room of One's Own

Read by Cori Samuel

Virginia Woolf

This feminist essay argues for both a literal and figural space for women writers within a literary tradition dominated by patriarchy. First…

Satan und Ischariot II

Read by Katharina21

Karl May

Old Shatterhand und Winnetou befreien die Deutschen aus der Zwangsarbeit aber die beiden Schurken Melton entkommen. Old Shatterhand und Win…

Great Poems of the World War

Read by Alan Mapstone


A selection of poems written during or immediately after the First World War (1914-1918). Most are by men (American, British, Canadian or Au…

Brazil and the River Plate in 1868

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

William Hadfield

This work makes no pretentions to literary merit, but, as its title indicates, is simply a narrative descriptive of the progress of the coun…

Short Poetry Collection 259

Read by LibriVox Volunteers


This is a collection of 43 poems read in English by LibriVox volunteers during December 2024.

The Marble Faun

Read by czandra

William Faulkner

Faulkner's first book, containing two long poems. The Marble Faun is the first. The second poem in the book, The Green Bough, is not public…

Practice of Perfection and Christian Virtues - First Treatise

Read by ancientchristian

Alphonsus Rodriguez

This work is based on the material which Alphonsus Rodriguez (a Spanish Jesuit priest) collected from his spiritual exhortations to his bret…

Practice of Perfection and Christian Virtues - Second Treatise

Read by ancientchristian

Alphonsus Rodriguez

This work is based on the material which Alphonsus Rodriguez (a Spanish Jesuit priest) collected from his spiritual exhortations to his bret…

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