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The Wizard

Gelesen von Michael Monhollon

(4,466 Sterne; 103 Bewertungen)

Described by the author, best known for his King Solomon's Mines, as "a tale of victorious faith," this story begins on a Sunday afternoon in an English church. Most of the book, though, is set in Africa, and the adventure story is as engaging as any of Haggard's African tales. What makes this one different is the religious question: What has happened to miracles in the church? Is there any power left in Jesus' promise, "Whoso that believeth in me, the works that I do he shall do also, and whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do"? (5 hr 49 min)


01 - Chapter 1 - The Deputation


Read by Michael Monhollon

02 - Chapter 2 - Thomas Owen


Read by Michael Monhollon

03 - Chapter 3 - The Temptation


Read by Michael Monhollon

04 - Chapter 4 - The Vision


Read by Michael Monhollon

05 - Chapter 5 - The Feast of the First-Fruits


Read by Michael Monhollon

06 - Chapter 6 - The Drinking of the Cup


Read by Michael Monhollon

07 - Chapter 7 - The Recovery of the King


Read by Michael Monhollon

08 - Chapter 8 - The First Trial by Fire


Read by Michael Monhollon

09 - Chapter 9 - The Crisis


Read by Michael Monhollon

10 - Chapter 10 - The Second Trial by Fire


Read by Michael Monhollon

11 - Chapter 11 - The Wisdom of the Dead


Read by Michael Monhollon

12 - Chapter 12 - The Message of Hokosa


Read by Michael Monhollon

13 - Chapter 13 - The Basket of Fruit


Read by Michael Monhollon

14 - Chapter 14 - The Eating of the Fruit


Read by Michael Monhollon

15 - Chapter 15 - Noma Comes to Hafela


Read by Michael Monhollon

16 - Chapter 16 - The Repentance of Hokosa


Read by Michael Monhollon

17 - Chapter 17 - The Loosing of Noma


Read by Michael Monhollon

18 - Chapter 18 - The Passing of Owen


Read by Michael Monhollon

19 - Chapter 19 - The Fall of the Great Place


Read by Michael Monhollon

20 - Chapter 20 - Noma Sets a Snare


Read by Michael Monhollon

21 - Chapter 21 - Hokosa Is Lifted Up


Read by Michael Monhollon

22 - Chapter 22 - The Victory of the Cross


Read by Michael Monhollon


I Have Kept the Faith

(5 Sterne)

What a great Haggard! Normally I can only tolerate a little of his supernatural stuff, but even with much this was excellent. It wasn't one-sided this time, but rather two spiritual forces at war. And one man was the catalyst: not a great man, but simply a willing one. I can only wish Haggard wrote more of men like Pastor Owen. '"Saturate me with the oil of the Spirit that I may be aflame. But flame is transient, often short-lived. Canst thou bear this, my soul – short life? … Make me thy fuel, Flame of God.” ~ Jim Elliot

astonished by a wonderful tale

(5 Sterne)

excellent for people worshipping or seeking the risen Lord. From a born- again perspective, I admire Haggard for creating a character such as Pastor Thomas Owen. I know this is a fiction but I wonder if the events may have been based on real events.

(4,5 Sterne)

great story,. with real good content, well written, narrated fine with narrator giving tone changes as for character changes while reading (unnecessary) but it is his reading to do as narrator See's for. thanks to everyone involved from pen to ear. Thank you LibriVox

good story and well read

(5 Sterne)

I enjoyed both the story and the reading of it, thank you

good book with suddely place biblical pharsing

(4 Sterne)