The Holy Koran
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Quran, Qurantranslated Bymuhammad Habib Shakir and Anonymoustranslated Bymuhammad Habib Shakir
The Koran is divided into 114 Surahs. It re-tells the stories of most of the previous prophets. It also covers Marriages, Inheritance, Banning, Pilgrimage, etc.
Special thanks to catharmaiden (Sandra Schmit) for Proof-Listening some of the Surahs. And thanks to Kitty (Sonia) for being the MC and DPL. We're grateful for your help and support. - Summary by SaraHale (23 hr 21 min)
Book of peace. to whom heart not sealed with hate
it's good for what it is, a religious text reading without bias and opinions. The text itself is insanely repetitive from beginning to end though.
needs editing
Mark Byram
the Koran is a repetitive text that is nearly impossible to read. I am grateful I found the audio book
The Last Testament
Rafiq Ahmad
The final message (in word format) from the Creator to mankind. Must read for true success in life.
narrator is great. book needs editing. boring and repetitive.
100 Rupees
What kind of man wrote such an evil book? Was horrified when i read it