The Holy Koran

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

(3.8 stars; 44 reviews)

The Koran is divided into 114 Surahs. It re-tells the stories of most of the previous prophets. It also covers Marriages, Inheritance, Banning, Pilgrimage, etc.
Special thanks to catharmaiden (Sandra Schmit) for Proof-Listening some of the Surahs. And thanks to Kitty (Sonia) for being the MC and DPL. We're grateful for your help and support. - Summary by SaraHale (23 hr 21 min)


Surah 001: The Opening (Al-Fatiha) 1:06 Read by SaraHale
Surah 002: The cow (Al-Baqara) Part 1 40:34 Read by SaraHale
Surah 002: The cow (Al-Baqara) Part 2 40:31 Read by SaraHale
Surah 003: The Family Of 'Imran (Al-E-Imran) 57:06 Read by SaraHale
Surah 004: Women (An-Nisa) 1:05:26 Read by Mona Jaheen
Surah 005: The Table (Al-Maeda) 50:26 Read by Mona Jaheen
Surah 006: Cattle (Al-Anaam) 53:01 Read by Mona Jaheen
Surah 007: The Heights (Al-Araf) 54:04 Read by SaraHale
Surah 008: Spoils Of War (Al-Anfal) 21:55 Read by Mona Jaheen
Surah 009: Repentance (Al-Tawba) 44:09 Read by Mona Jaheen
Surah 010: Jonah (Yunus) 32:52 Read by Mona Jaheen
Surah 011: Hud 32:41 Read by Mona Jaheen
Surah 012: Joseph (Yusuf) 32:13 Read by Mona Jaheen
Surah 013: The Thunder (Al-Rad) 16:31 Read by Mona Jaheen
Surah 014: Abraham (Ibrahim) 13:34 Read by SaraHale
Surah 015: Stoneland (Al-Hijr) 13:33 Read by Mona Jaheen
Surah 016: The Bee (An-Nahl) 31:59 Read by Mona Jaheen
Surah 017: The Night Journey (Al-Isra) 29:16 Read by Mona Jaheen
Surah 018: The Cave (Al-Kahf) 30:16 Read by Mona Jaheen
Surah 019: Mary (Maryam) 19:26 Read by Mona Jaheen
Surah 020: Ta-Ha 25:21 Read by Mona Jaheen
Surah 021: The Prophets (Al-Anbiya) 21:02 Read by Mona Jaheen
Surah 022: The Pilgrimage (Al-Hajj) 22:29 Read by Mona Jaheen
Surah 023: The Believers (Al-Mumenoon) 19:46 Read by Mona Jaheen
Surah 024: The Light (Al-Noor) 20:25 Read by SaraHale
Surah 025: The Standard (Al-Furqan) 16:57 Read by Mona Jaheen
Surah 026: The Poets (Al-Shuara) 24:17 Read by Mona Jaheen
Surah 027: The Ants (Al-Naml) 20:14 Read by Mona Jaheen
Surah 028: The Stories (Al-Qasas) 24:05 Read by SaraHale
Surah 029: The Spider (Al-Ankaboot) 18:50 Read by Mona Jaheen
Surah 030: The Romans (Al-Room) 15:44 Read by Mona Jaheen
Surah 031: Luqman 9:29 Read by Mona Jaheen
Surah 032: The Worship (As-Sajda) 6:53 Read by Mona Jaheen
Surah 033: The Clans (Al-Ahzab) 24:31 Read by Mona Jaheen
Surah 034: Saba 16:26 Read by Mona Jaheen
Surah 035: The Originator (Fatir) 15:03 Read by Mona Jaheen
Surah 036: Ya-seen 13:11 Read by SaraHale
Surah 037: Those Who Set The Ranks (As-Saaffat) 18:06 Read by Mona Jaheen
Surah 038: The Letter Sad 15:35 Read by Mona Jaheen
Surah 039: The Troops (Az-Zumar) 21:23 Read by Mona Jaheen
Surah 040: The Forgiver (God) (Al-Ghafir) 22:39 Read by Mona Jaheen
Surah 041: Explained In Detail (Fussilat) 15:12 Read by Mona Jaheen
Surah 042: Council (Ash-Shura) 15:53 Read by Mona Jaheen
Surah 043: Ornaments Of Gold (Az-Zukhruf) 17:08 Read by Mona Jaheen
Surah 044: Smoke (Ad-Dukhan) 7:21 Read by Mona Jaheen
Surah 045: Crouching (Al-Jathiya) 8:44 Read by Mona Jaheen
Surah 046: The Wind-Curved Sandhills (Al-Ahqaf) 11:03 Read by Mona Jaheen
Surah 047: Muhammad 10:07 Read by Mona Jaheen
Surah 048: Victory (Al-Fath) 10:40 Read by Mona Jaheen
Surah 049: The Private Apartments (Al-Hujraat) 6:35 Read by Mona Jaheen
Surah 050: The Letter Qaf 7:26 Read by Mona Jaheen
Surah 051: The Winnowing Winds (Adh-Dhariyat) 7:47 Read by Mona Jaheen
Surah 052: The Mount (At-Tur) 6:37 Read by Mona Jaheen
Surah 053: The Star (An-Najm) 7:38 Read by Mona Jaheen
Surah 054: The Moon (Al-Qamar) 7:59 Read by Mona Jaheen
Surah 055: The Beneficent (Ar-Rahman) 8:30 Read by Mona Jaheen
Surah 056: The Event (Al-Waqia) 8:29 Read by Mona Jaheen
Surah 057: The Iron (Al-Hadid) 10:26 Read by Mona Jaheen
Surah 058: The Pleading Woman (Al-Mujadila) 8:42 Read by Mona Jaheen
Surah 059: Exile (Al-Hashr) 8:31 Read by Mona Jaheen
Surah 060: She that is to be Examined (Al-Mumtahina) 6:47 Read by Mona Jaheen
Surahs 061-065 21:15 Read by Mona Jaheen
Surahs 066-070 27:01 Read by Mona Jaheen
Surahs 071-075 22:10 Read by Mona Jaheen
Surahs 076-080 20:29 Read by Mona Jaheen
Surahs 081-085 12:19 Read by Mona Jaheen
Surahs 086-090 10:02 Read by Mona Jaheen
Surahs 091-095 6:46 Read by Mona Jaheen
Surahs 096-100 6:32 Read by Mona Jaheen
Surahs 101-114 9:48 Read by Mona Jaheen


Book of peace. to whom heart not sealed with hate

(5 stars)


(5 stars)

it's good for what it is, a religious text reading without bias and opinions. The text itself is insanely repetitive from beginning to end though.

needs editing

(1 stars)

the Koran is a repetitive text that is nearly impossible to read. I am grateful I found the audio book

The Last Testament

(5 stars)

The final message (in word format) from the Creator to mankind. Must read for true success in life.

(1 stars)

narrator is great. book needs editing. boring and repetitive.


(1 stars)

What kind of man wrote such an evil book? Was horrified when i read it