Kenneth Ortiz
017 Leadership Development Ken Freire
In this episode, our host Kenny interviews leadership expert (and personal friend) Kenneth Freire about the importance of engaging students …
007 Train Your Leaders To Engage With Students
Effectively engaging with students is super important, therefore training your leaders to effectively engage with students is also super imp…
009 14 Quotes From Bill Gates
Just about every person in our society is familiar with Bill Gates, the co-founder and long-time CEO of Microsoft. He has been a busine…
011 Twelve Great Books With Paul Turner
Reading good books is an essential discipline for any leader, both for the feeding of our own souls as well as for the development of our le…
015 Healthy Family Life Ajith Fernando
In this episode, Kenny interviews author and international speaker Ajith Fernando about the importance of Christian leaders having a he…
004 Gospel Centered Jon Nielson
In this episode, Kenny interviews student ministry veteran and preaching stalwart Jon Nielson about the importance of giving&…
005 Dominate Facebook
Facebook has become as much (or more) a part of American life as any sport, activity, or tradition. Recently the Pew Research Cen…
012 Lessons Learned From Bill Walsh
In 1979, Bill Walsh became the Head Coach of the San Francisco 49ers. He went on to become one of the greatest coaches in NFL history. …
021 Kara Powell
Kara Powell is the Executive Director of the Fuller Youth Institute and a faculty member at Fuller Theological Seminary. Named by Christiani…
018 Relational Ministry Jeremy Zach
In this episode, Kenny interviews Jeremy Zach to talk about the importance of being relational and personal in student ministry, and empower…
020 Tough Convos With Ben M
Sometimes being a leader means that you need to have some tough or challenging conversations. In the world of student ministry, that often m…
003 Getting Lucky On Purpose
Being successful in student ministry often involves being at the right place at the right time. Some might say you need to be "lucky&qu…
008 Bridge Church To The Family With Mike Mcgarry
Student Ministry is most effective when it serves the local church by connecting the church with families. Every youth worker ought to seek …
013 Thermostat Vs Thermometer
To be an effective leader, you need to be a quality thinker as well as become an efficient problem-solver, and there is no better …
010 Dan Sanchez
Anyone who works with teens or college students knows the importance of text messaging as a means of connecting with and starting conversati…
016 Gap Year With Meg Monson
In this episode, Kenny interviews one of his previous students, and now personal friend, Meg Monson about the values of a gap-ye…
014 Tiffany Kelly
Each ministry has an identity, and whether you realize it or not, you are sending a message to the world about your identity. The problem we…