Archibald Williams

The Romance of Modern Invention

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This is a volume of exploration into the newest inventions of the turn of the previous century. Journalist Archibald Williams walks the read…

The Romance of Modern Mechanism

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In 1910, when this book was published, the advancement of modern mechanism was still moving at a rapid pace. It must have seemed like very d…

The Romance of Modern Engineering

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As it would be impossible to treat, in the compass of a few hundred pages, all the great engineering feats of modern times without reducing …

The Romance of Mining

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Any writer on mining in its general aspect is, when casting about for a starting-point, driven to express what others have said before him-t…

The Romance of Early Exploration

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The Author has been encouraged by the reception given to The Romance of Modern Exploration to write a companion volume on the adventures of …

The Romance of Modern Exploration

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It may be thought, perhaps, that exploration must be comparatively easy today. Less laborious no doubt it is in some details when Mandevill…

The Romance of Modern Locomotion

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In the following pages we shall peep into the history of typical companies in Great Britain, the United States, and elsewhere; consider the …