The Promulgation of Universal Peace: Vol. I
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Abdu’L-Bahá ‘Abbás

“Two years before the crash of world war shook the continents and upheaved oceans,” Howard MacNutt relates. “‘Abdu’l-Bahá ‘Abbás visited the United States of America proclaiming the Glad-Tidings of Universal Peace and the oneness of the world of humanity. In his message he reviewed social, religious and political conditions of the nations, foretold clearly the impending clash and conflict of militarism, summoning mankind to the standard of divine guidance upraised in this cycle of the cycles by the manifestation and teachings of Bahá’u’lláh. His visit extending from April to December 1912 covered an itinerary across the continent and return, involving an extraordinary and incredible expenditure of energy on the part of one who at the threshold of three score years and ten had spent practically his whole lifetime in exile and imprisonment for the cause of God. This treasury of his words is a compilation of informal talks and extempore discourses delivered in Persian and Arabic, interpreted by proficient linguists who accompanied him, and taken stenographically in both Oriental and Occidental tongue. Upon the day of his arrival in New York City he said ‘It is my purpose to set forth in America the fundamental principles of the revelation and teachings of Bahá’u’lláh. It will then become the duty of the Bahá’ís of this country to give these principles unfoldment and application in the minds, hearts and lives of the people.’” (Summary by Howard MacNutt) (14 hr 4 min)
[Discourses of Abdul Baha delivered in New York and Brooklyn]: I. April 11, 191…
Read by Nicholas James Bridgewater
III. April 12, 1912, at 39 West 67th Street, New York, Studio of Miss Phillips.…
Read by Nicholas James Bridgewater
V. April 14, 1912, at Fifth Avenue and 10th Street, New York. Prayer. VI. April…
Read by Nicholas James Bridgewater
VII. April 15, 1912, at 327 West End Avenue, New York. VIII. April 16, 1912, at…
Read by Nicholas James Bridgewater
IX. April 17, 1912, at Hotel Ansonia, Broadway and 73rd Street, New York. X. Ap…
Read by Cynthia Moyer
XII. April 19, 1912, at Earl Hall, Columbia University, New York. XIII. April 1…
Read by KHand
[Discourses of Abdul Baha delivered in Washington]: I. April 20, 1912, at Publi…
Read by KHand
III. April 21, 1912, at Universalist Church, 13th and L Streets, Washington, D.…
Read by Lucretia B.
IV. April 22, 1912, at 1700 18th Street, N. W. Washington, D. C. V. April 23, 1…
Read by Lucretia B.
VI. April 23, 1912, at 1700 18th Street, Washington, D. C. VII. April 23, 1912,…
Read by Lucretia B.
X. April 24, 1912, at 1937 13th Street, N. W., Washington, D. C. XI. April 25, …
Read by KHand
XII. April 25, 1912, at 1700 18th Street, N. W., Washington, D. C. XIII. April …
Read by Cynthia Moyer
[Discourses of Abdul Baha delivered in Chicago]: I. April 30, 1912, at Drill Ha…
Read by Nicholas James Bridgewater
III. April 30, 1912, at Handel Hall, Chicago, Ill. IV. May 1, 1912, at Chicago,…
Read by Nicholas James Bridgewater
V. May 2, 1912, at Hotel Plaza, Chicago, Ill. VI. May 2, 1912, at Hotel La Sall…
Read by Nicholas James Bridgewater
VII. May 2, 1912, at Hotel La Salle, Chicago, Ill. VIII. May 2, 1912, at Hotel …
Read by Nicholas James Bridgewater
X. May 3, 1912, at Hotel Plaza, Chicago, Ill. XI. May 3, 1912, at Hotel Plaza, …
Read by Nicholas James Bridgewater
XII. May 4, 1912, at Northwestern University Hall, Chicago, Ill. Theosophical S…
Read by Nicholas James Bridgewater
XIII. May 5, 1912, at Hotel Plaza, Chicago, Ill. Children’s Meeting. XIV. May 5…
Read by Nicholas James Bridgewater
XV. May 5, 1912, at All-Souls Church, Lincoln Center, Chicago, Ill.
Read by Nicholas James Bridgewater
[Discourses of Abdul Baha delivered in Cleveland.]: May 6, 1912, at Euclid Hall…
Read by Lucretia B.
[Discourse of Abdul Baha delivered in Pittsburgh.]: May 7, 1912, at Hotel Schen…
Read by Max Wainer
[Discourses of Abdul Baha delivered in New York, Montclair and Jersey City.]: M…
Read by Max Wainer
III. May 12, 1912, at Grace Methodist Episcopal Church, West 104th St., New Yor…
Read by KHand
VI. May 20, 1912, at Metropolitan Temple, Seventh Avenue and Fourteenth St., Ne…
Read by Cynthia Moyer
[Discourses of Abdul Baha delivered in Cambridge and Boston.]: May 23, 1912, at…
Read by Nicholas James Bridgewater
II. May 25, 1912, at Huntingdon Chambers, Boston, Mass. III. May 24, 1912, at F…
Read by Nicholas James Bridgewater
[Discourses of Abdul Baha delivered in New York and Fanwood.]: May 26, 1912, at…
Read by hearhis
II. May 28, 1912, at Metropolitan Temple (Reception), Seventh Avenue and Fourte…
Read by Max Wainer
III. May 29, 1912, at 780 West End Avenue, New York. Home of Mr. and Mrs. Edwar…
Read by Max Wainer
From “Question: What is the status of women…” to “…the eating of meat will grad…
Read by Nicholas James Bridgewater
VII. June 8, 1912, at 309 West 78th Street, New York. [Discourses of Abdul Baha…
Read by Nicholas James Bridgewater
II. June 9, 1912, at Baptist Temple, Broad and Berks Streets, Philadelphia, Pa.
Read by Nicholas James Bridgewater
[Discourses of Abdul Baha delivered in New York and Brooklyn.]: June 11, 1912, …
Read by Nicholas James Bridgewater
III. June 11, 1912, at 309 West 78th Street, New York. IV. June 12, 1912, at 30…
Read by Nicholas James Bridgewater
V. June 15, 1912, at 309 West 78th Street, New York. VI. June 16, 1912, at Four…
Read by Nicholas James Bridgewater
VIII. June 16, 1912, at Central Congregational Church, Hancock Street, Brooklyn…
Read by Nicholas James Bridgewater
II. June 29, 1912, at West Englewood, New Jersey. Unity Feast, Outdoors.
Read by Carolyn Bridgewater
[Discourses of Abdul Baha delivered in New York.] July 1, 1912, at 309 West 78t…
Read by Nicholas James Bridgewater
VI. July 14, 1912, at All Souls Unitarian Church, Fourth Avenue and 20th Street…
Read by Nicholas James Bridgewater
VII. July 15, 1912, at 830 Park Ave., New York. Home of Mrs. Florian Krug.
Read by Nicholas James Bridgewater