A Candle For Our Lady
Gelesen von Maria Therese
Regina Victoria Hunt

Dark times for British Catholics hung over England in the days of King Henry VIII. Henry, influenced by the hated Thomas Cromwell, fell into opposition with them, suppressing them, and closing religious houses. In that period a famous shrine, erected centuries earlier at Walsingham and dedicated to our Lady, drew people from far and near for it was a favorite place of pilgrimage and the site of many miracles.
On their grandmother's and uncle's farm, far removed from this scene of persecution, were Jemmy Reynolds and his sister Joan. For a long time they had been promised the chance to make the pilgrimage to Walsingham, and now at last they were going. Their biggest problem was to find a suitable offering to our Lady, and Joan came upon the idea of presenting a great, fine candle. And so they set out upon a thrilling journey which eventually brings Jem face to face with the crafty Cromwell and King Henry himself.
What happens when they meet a cunning stranger on the way to the shrine and later when Jem attempts to rescue a friend from Cromwell's power are some of the exciting developments that make A Candle For Our Lady interesting and fast moving. True history and authentic background are woven into this story which provides a taste of the struggles English Catholics knew in a time when cruelty and greed ruled the land. (Summary from original jacket.) (2 hr 35 min)

a charming story for both adults and children alike. it is a shame that the reader mispronounced English place names such as Cambridge, walsingham etc ,but even so it was well read
Stephen Lowe

if you do not weep at this tale I pray that you will in the future. Well read tale of faith.
Vicki Kramer

Good shorter story! Reader did well!