Gelesen von ilianthe
Marie Corelli
(3,727 Sterne; 11 Bewertungen)
The story revolves around the mysterious Princess Ziska, who captivates a set of European tourists who are spending time in exotic Egypt. The story is a mystery involving reincarnation, romance & a touch of mild horror. (introduction by ilianthe) (6 hr 49 min)
Reincarnation & Romance
Renee M.
(2 Sterne)
The reader did a great job with the material, but the novella would have been better as a short story. Interesting concept. Lots of melodrama. But also paragraph after paragraph of redundancy.
(5 Sterne)
This is a magical work of literature. And the reader is divine, too. Really, I'm not exaggerating. Listen, and be enchanted.....