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Breaking the Outer Ring: Marine Landings in the Marshall Islands

Gelesen von Aaron Bennett

(4,8 Sterne; 5 Bewertungen)

By the beginning of 1944, United States Marine forces had already made a dramatic start on the conquest of areas overrun by the Japanese early in World War II. Successful American assaults in the Southwest Pacific, beginning with Guadalcanal in the Solomon Islands in August 1942, and in the Central Pacific at Tarawa in the Gilbert Islands in November 1943, were crucial campaigns to mark the turn of the Japanese floodtide of conquest. The time had now come to take one more decisive step: assault of the islands held by Japan before 1941. These strategic islands, mandated to the Japanese by the League of Nations after World War I, were a source of mystery and speculation. Outsiders were barred; illegal fortifications were presumed; yet any Central Pacific drive towards Japan’s inner defense ring had to confront these unknowns. The obvious target to begin with was the Marshall Islands. As early as 1921 a Marine planning officer had pinpointed their geographic significance. - Summary by John C. Chapin (1 hr 20 min)


Chapter 1 - Breaking the Outer Ring: Marine Landings in the Marshall Islands; P…


Read by Aaron Bennett

Chapter 2 - Sidebars


Read by Aaron Bennett

Chapter 3: Part 1 - The Marine Attack: Roi-Namur


Read by Aaron Bennett

Chapter 3: Part 2 - The Marine Attack: Roi-Namur; Sidebar


Read by Aaron Bennett

Chapter 4 - The Army Attack: Kwajalein


Read by Aaron Bennett

Chapter 5: Part 1 - The Final Attack: Eniwetok


Read by Aaron Bennett

Chapter 5: Part 2 - The Final Attack: Eniwetok; Sidebars


Read by Aaron Bennett


Marines r stoopit

(5 Sterne)

All the other branches of the military have embraced diversity, equity And inclusion. I just wish the commandant would follow in the footsteps of the army, chair force , navy and coast guard. If only the Marines had included transgendered women in their ranks, the Marines would have captured the islands in under a week. Diversity is the strongest, most potent weapon ever. A diverse fighting force is just better than a uniform fighting force. I blame the loss of life during WW2 directly on the Marines failure to include rainbow colored furries in their ranks