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2020 08 31 Commitment Versus Rejection, Mon Of 22nd Week In OT

“The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to bring glad tidings to the poor.”   “Liberty to captives, recovery of sight to the blind, letting the oppressed go free,” Well the good news is good, but it needs a welcome reception and not one simply based on emotion. There has to be something else: a commitment, a willingness, a goodwill. Their response has to be learning and freedom from their captivity of ignorance, but they don’t want to. So the very reality of God and God’s Spirit and God’s willingness and desire to come to human life and share in human life itself becomes a matter of dispute and doubt and rejection. Eventually they rejected him, actually tried to kill Jesus.   This is the response he has received for a long time from a lot of people.


2020-08-31 Commitment versus Rejection, Mon of 22nd Week in OT
