Can You Forgive Her? (Version 2)
Gelesen von Deon Gines
Anthony Trollope
Can You Forgive Her was published over 2 years in serial form. It follows the life story of three women involved with courtship and marriage decisions. - Summary by Deon Gines (37 hr 2 min)
Can you forgive her?
Janis Pennell
I realise these are read by volunteers whose diction is very clear and concise but it is extremely difficult to absorb the meaning behind the reading of this book. I am extremely disappointed- she has no flow to the words so expression is completely lacking. I really can not listen to this version or the first version on Librivox for the same reason.
Heteronormativity warning
Bill Cosby
This story assumes an implicit heteronormative world view. This assumption of heteronormativity oppresses anyone who is not in not living with these assumptions. In order to fight raycyst sexism all characters need to be remade as gay BIPOCs