Minhaj al-Abideen Or Best Path for Seekers of God in English by Imam Ghazali
Imam Ghazali
AUDIO book in English of "Minhaj al-Abideen ila Jannatu Rab al-Aalameen" or "Best Path for the Seekers of God Leading them to Paradise of the Lord of all the Universes and Existences" is one of the most magnificent books on spirituality, i.e., the path to spiritual attainment and perfection. This book defines a clear 7-stage path for reaching the spiritual illumination and Ma'arifa (or Gnosis) of God. Imam Ghazali is one of the top most teacher of spirituality for the entire humanity for all times who has written many good books on spirituality and practical aspects of it. Unfortunately, these treasures of wisdom have not been translated into English. Therefore, any sincere attempt to make these treasures of wisdom available to the English speaking readers is in itself a great contribution. This book is helpful for anyone who wants to improve one's life for the better, understand the purpose of one's life and to reach that purpose, and realize the fullest human potential that God has endowed each human being with. This book happens to be Imam Ghazali's last book in which he has summarized the knowledge and wisdom from his many other voluminous works like Revival of Knowledge of Path of God (Ihya Uloom ud Deen), Alchemy or Transformative Agent of Eternal Happiness and Abiding Success (Kimiya as-Sa'ada), 40 Principles (al-Abaeen fi Usul id-Deen), Collection of Short Books by Imam Ghazali (Majmu'a Rasa'il Imam Ghazali), Exposition of the Hearts (Mukashifatul Quloob), 99 Beautiful Names of God, Deliverence from Error, Incoherence of the Philosophers (Tahafet al-Falasafa), Jewels of the Quran (Jawahir al-Quran) , the Just Balance (al-Qistas al-Mustaqeem) etc. This book is gripping with arguments that leave no doubt in one's mind about the veracity of his arguments (which is peculiar to Imam Ghazali's style of elucidation). The sincerely of the author and his love for humanity is evident from this book. One does not feel like leaving this book until reading it completely. And once finished reading, one wants to read it over and over again. This is the audio book of the English translation of "Minhaj al-Abideen ila Jannatu Rab al-Aalameen" or "Best Path for the Seekers of God Leading them to the Paradise of the Lord of all the Universes and Existences". This is a complete Pakistani English translation which is quite reasonable. In short, this book is a user's manual for anyone who wishes to know God with a 7-stage inner spiritual struggle to achieve this objective. Anyone who sincerely follows these steps, will find oneself developing a high level of spirituality devoid of any shortcomings. One will find an inner peace and strength that will not fade as long as one sustains the spiritual momentum that one gains from this book. Read it and find for yourself. Those who are merely curious about spirituality will also find it enlightening. ABOUT AUTHOR IMAM GHAZALI: Scholar, saint, gnostic, great reviver of the Deen or Path to God, friend and intimate of God, Hujjatul Islam the proof of Islam, Imam Abu Hamid Muhammad Al-Ghazali (1058-1111 A.D.), also known as Imam Ghazali, wrote a masterpiece of spirituality aided by Divine inspiration called "Ihya Uloom ud Deen" or "Revival of Knowledge of the Path to God" (originally written in Arabic) which has been, for the last 900 years, a beacon of light for humanity, a guide for the seekers of truth, and a roadmap for all spiritual travellers to guide their spiritual quests to reach the closeness and intimacy of God which is a religious imperative commanded by God in Quran when God said: âI have created the Jinns and humans only to worship Meâ (51:56). Worshipping God, as itâs His right to be worshipped, is not possible without knowing the One to be worshipped. Thus Quran commands us all to employ all means possible to really know the One who is the only One with real Existence, who is the Creator, Fashioner, Cherisher and Lord of each and every thing that âexitsâ albeit through His Existence. In this era of increasing conflicts and negativities that require universal healing, it is imperative to rediscover the treasures of this book to give a new life to humanity. This is the audio book of the complete English translation of "Minhaj al-Abideen ila Jannatu Rab al-Aalameen" or "Best Path for the Seekers of God Leading them to Paradise of the Lord of all the Universes and Existences" which summarizes the 4 volume compendium of knowledge, wisdom and spirituality "Revival of Knowledge of Path to God" which is easy to understand by anyone with mediocre comprehension or listening skills in English language. There are a total of 4 volumes in this book that Ghazali refers to as 4 quarters with each volume or quarter containing 10 smaller books. Thus "Revival of Knowledge of Path to God" (also available in English audio book at www.archive.org ) has a total of 40 books integrated into a unified whole. These 40 books represent 40 steps in the spiritual path that leads a seeker of truth to the spiritual awakening to the universal truths in the Presence of the Divine. Imam Ghazali has referred this great book "Revival of Knowledge of the Path to God" again and again this short book called "Best Path for the Seekers of God Leading them to Paradise of the Lord of all the Universes and Existences". This short book summarizes the great spiritual knowledge which is dispersed in various voluminous works of Imam Ghazali, into this short book. CONCLUSION & BENEFITS OF IMAM GHAZALI'S WORK: This book "Minhaj al-Abideen ila Jannatu Rab al-Aalameen" or "Best Path for the Seekers of God Leading them to Paradise of the Lord of all the Universes and Existences" is overflowing with wisdom that can transform an individual into one who is filled with positive energy and enlightenment after one has overcome the low and base qualities. The end result of this spiritual struggle to transform oneself for the better through purification and beautification of one's soul, is the achievement of one's purpose of life, unlocking of the mysteries of the universe, unveiling of the truth, springing forth of the fountains of wisdom in which one find answers to all questions of life such as who am I, where I have come from and where I am heading to, effulgence of lights in the deepest recesses of the soul, dawning of eternal happiness and bliss, eradication of all darkness and negativities, arrival of soul at the doorsteps of the Divine Reality, and proximity and intimacy of God who is the Final Destination of every human being and is the Ultimate Goal of all seekers of truth. This great book by Imam Ghazali shows us the path to inner peace and bliss by ridding our souls of all of its negative propensities and imbuing it with positive energies giving us a state of peace, eternal happiness, and true success. No society is immune from the darkest impulses of man and too often, religion has been used to tap into those dark impulses instead of the light of God. The peace we seek in the world, begins in human hearts. "Minhaj al-Abideen ila Jannatu Rab al-Aalameen" or "Best Path for the Seekers of God Leading them to Paradise of the Lord of all the Universes and Existences" by Imam Ghazali is a tremendous and a landmark work, of not just the entire Islamic civilization but of the entire human civilization, as it reveals and challenges the hidden dark impulses of man and challenges the use of religion to satisfy and gratify those dark impulses and instead brings the light of God into religion and into the hearts of man heralding inner and universal peace. God made an abiding promise to humanity in Quran: "Those who strive in Our Ways, We will surely guide them to Our Paths. And God is with the doers of good" (Chapter 29: Verse 69). It means that anyone, irrespective of time, place, origin, nationality and religion, who sincerely searches for truth, is sure to find it owing to God's promise to each and every individual. So let's embark on this journey into the depths of the fathomless ocean of Divine knowledge, wisdom and gnosis. May God be our guide in our quest for truth and inner spiritual illumination and awakening. Amen. NOTE ABOUT ENGLISH AUDIO BOOK OF "REVIVAL OF KNOWLEDGE OF PATH TO GOD" BY IMAM GHAZALI: This great compendium of knowledge, wisdom and spirituality in 4 volumes that has been summarized in "Best Way for the Seekers of God" can be found at these links in English audio: Volume 1: https://archive.org/details/RevivalOfKnowledgeOfPathToGodVol1EnglishByImamGhazali Volume 2: https://archive.org/details/RevivalOfKnowledgeOfPathToGodVol2EnglishByImamGhazali Volume 3: https://archive.org/details/RevivalOfKnowledgeOfPathToGodVol3EnglishByImamGhazali Volume 4: https://archive.org/details/RevivalOfKnowledgeOfPathToGodVol4EnglishByImamGhazali NOTE ABOUT URDU LANGUAGE AUDIO BOOKS OF "BEST WAY FOR SEEKERS OF GOD" AND "REVIVAL OF KNOWLEDGE OF PATH TO GOD" BY IMAM GHAZALI: Urdu audio book of "Best Path for the Seekers of God Leading them to Paradise of the Lord of all the Universes and Existences" can be found here: https://archive.org/details/MinhajUlAbideenUrduTranslationByImamGhazali_277 Urdu audio book of "Revival of Knowledge of Path to God", the great 4-volume compendium of knowledge, wisdom and spirituality and a landmark work of the entire human civilization, can be found here: Volume 1: https://archive.org/details/IhyaUloomUdDeen-RevivalOfKnowledgeOfPathToGodVol1ByImamGhazali Volume 2: https://archive.org/details/IhyaUloomUdDeen-RevivalOfKnowledgeOfPathToGodVol2ByImamGhazali Volume 3: https://archive.org/details/IhyaUloomUdDeen-RevivalOfKnowledgeOfPathToGodVol3ByImamGhazali Volume 4: https://archive.org/details/IhyaUloomUdDeen-RevivalOfKnowledgeOfPathToGodVol4ByImamGhazali