Dick Lawrence Review - Strange Letters- WWII
Dick Lawrence via James Vaughan

Series of broadcasts from WNIB, Chicago, about history, stories, music and popular culture from America's past. Produced and narrated by historian and radio-personality Dick Lawrence.
This recording is part of the Old Time Radio collection.
remember the past,

I too liked the radio show, on Saturday evenings. Tho he got a few words wrong, the shows brought life to a new generation of listeners. Thanx for transcribing them here. Sadly, I had all the shows on addio cassette, bought a machine for transmitting to digital, and never got to it. I'm sure glad you did!
A Nostalgic Remeberance

Thank You for posting these "Dick Lawrence Review" programs. I remember fondly listening to the shows when they were broadcasting on WNIB FM in Chicago.