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Seven Point Mind Training

(5 Sterne; 1 Bewertungen)

Ven. Choden Rinpoche Seven Point Mind Training Transforming Problems into the Path Choden Rinpoche gives a 3 part teaching using the classical, and very practical text, Seven Point Mind Training by the Kadampa master, Geshe Chekewa. The practice of thought transformation (Lo Jong) goes back to the Buddha from whom it has been transmitted from guru to disciple for more than two thousand years. About 1000 years ago, Atisha received these instructions from his guru, Serlingpa and brought them into Tibet. This tradition of quiet transmission from teacher to disciple continued in Tibet as the teachings were passed from Atisha down to Geshe Chekewa. Geshe Chekewa decided to make these precious teachings more open out of his concern that they would be lost. Ven. Choden Rinpoche gives a commentary on this practice, which is especially well suited for those of us living and working in the fast pace of the city. To apply the teachings of Lo Jong, one needs other people: co-workers, housemates, partners, friends, family, strangers and difficult people. The purpose of these teachings is to strengthen and increase the mind of bodhicitta the vast mind of great compassion and love for all beings. This practice has traditionally been kept secret because the profoundest work is to quietly apply the Dharma to ones own mind without announcing any outer changes. One learns to watch how the mind works and reacts to the experiences and problems of life and then to apply these teachings to change the experience of problems into the path to liberation and enlightenment itself. Ven. Choden Rinpoche is a revered meditation master and devoted spiritual practitioner with years of dedicated practice in mind training. From his wealth of experience and understanding, Rinpoche offers practical advice on how to stimulate inner reflection, deepen our wisdom and compassion, understand the true nature of our minds and ultimately achieve a greater degree of peace and happiness in short, to transform our problems into the path. Buddhism, Tibetan Buddhism, Philosophy, Mahayana, Meditation, Bodhicitta, Wisdom, Emptiness, Mind Training, Lojong, Geshe Chekawa


Seven Point Mind Training


Seven Point Mind Training


Seven Point Mind Training


Seven Point Mind Training


Seven Point Mind Training


Seven Point Mind Training
