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My Hope Waits for You, O My God -- Psalm 25:1-5

(5 Sterne; 1 Bewertungen)

Psalm 25 comes from deep within David's heart. Yet these are also words the Holy Spirit himself gave David to prayer. O what we can learn for our prayer life as we engrave these words on our heart! This begins a three week series on Psalm 25: Our Heartfelt Prayer. Today we pray with David: My Hope Waits for You, O My God. Parts: A. I lift up my soul to you in trust. B. Teach me your truth, O Savior. Preached on March 11, 2012, for the Third Sunday in Lent, at St. John's Ev. Lutheran Church (WELS), Hancock, MN. Print copy available at,-O-My-God-Psalm25_1-5.html



My Hope Waits for You, O My God -- Psalm 25:1-5
