Bob and Ray WOR 798 March 29, 1976

Monday, March 29, 1976 The gang is still looking for Mary. Only four days until the opera opens. 0:00 - Introducing the show, then Hard Luck Stories, featuring tales of misery and prizes. 3:40 - On Mary Backstayge, Noble Wife, Greg and Harry take time out from their search for Mary to practice Italian phrases, then get blotto on vino. 7:30 - Webley is in the studio to give his rendition of Jealousy on the pipe organ; Bob gets an ill-timed phone call. 9:25 - Squad Car 119 features a discussion of diet and the benefits of vegetables, while the officers consider either investigating a 211 (robbery) or replacing a loosened windshield wiper. Includes yet another handy tax tip from Einbinder Flypaper. 13:05 - Irving Taylor's 1959 song I'll Never Forget Those Unforgettable Never To Be Forgotten Memories, with vocals by Gil Mershon and Ginny O'Connor. Several of the B&R-added interjections sound uncannily like fellow WOR personality Jean Shepherd, particularly the "Don't break up now"; can anyone confirm or deny? 16:05 - On The Galaxy Of The Baboons, Margaret worries when she hears a noise downstairs, while Harold doesn't hear anything. 19:40 - A bit of news, then 'Mister I-Know-Where-They-Are' Ralph Flinger , who knows where several celebrities are. 24:45 - Off to Helicopter 710 for a traffic report. 26:50 -A singing commercial for Aer Lingus tells us a great way to meet the Irish. 27:50 - On The Gathering Dusk, a visit from Village Society For The Prevention Of Cruelty To Animals Director Umbarto, whom Miss Bessinger hopes will rescue a stranded, unblinking rooster. 32:10 - On The Emergency Ward, Dr. Gerhardt Snutton engages in medical research while napping, and meets a sneezing patient. 36:50 - Another exciting adventure of Elmer W. Lipsinger, Spy, brought to you by Tingle Dental Floss. Today, Agent Lipsinger poses as a Swedish tourist and books a hotel room, with plans to investigate enemy missile sites. 40:40 - The Question Of The Day, with questions about days; the heated discussion then turns to months. 43:20 - Bob & Ray say their goodbyes. Annotation by Harry Wilson Next Episode:
This recording is part of the Old Time Radio collection.