Living With Our Children: A Book of Little Essays for Mothers
Gelesen von SweetHome
Clara Dillingham Pierson
(4,667 Sterne; 6 Bewertungen)
This book is a collection of small essays to help parents better understand their children and offer help to parents in the task of raising them. To quote from the preface, “It is hoped that the very simplicity and homeliness of method of this book may help eager, devoted, perplexed parents to realize that similarity in apparent diversity which underlies the experiences of different people, to perceive more clearly that the small affairs of childhood are really very large in their significance and that our way of dealing with them concerns far more than the present moment.” Summary by SweetHome. (5 hr 4 min)
wonderful book
Kodis Child
(5 Sterne)
wonderful book. It is so gentle with parent and child, yet inspires to greater things.