Edmund Dulac's Fairy Tale Book
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Edmund Dulac
Unusual Fairy Tales from around the world, this story collection contains; a mother with two daughters both named Caroline, a carriage drawn by winged frogs, a prince turned into a bird and a princess in the form of a deer, a fairy in the shape of a talking crayfish and Ivan, who crawls into his horse's ear. In the usual style of fairy tales most of these have a moral and a happy ending! (Summary by Beth Thomas)
(6 hr 14 min)
On the brink of perfection!
Carly Corday
Outstanding stories, all different, all engrossing, with heartfelt readers, until the very last, thankfully short story, of the unheroic "prince" getting his lady love pretty much by pitching one hissy after another until his way was got. This is an upside-down story and a sour note to go out on. But the others! I'll listen many times to these.