The Sphere Of Time
Gelesen von Steve Simons
Steve Simons

This is a science fiction story that is suitable for children and adults alike. It tells the story of John Latham a scientist and Engineer, who thinks he has found a way to travel through time, space or even another dimension. However, he is not sure unless he can test out his ideas. John is lucky enough to come across a wealthy man who puts up the money to try out John's idea. But the crux of this book is, if he succeeds in getting there, wherever there actually is, what will he find when he gets there? Will he create situations that affect his own existence in the future? Would he be able to get back to his own world, universe or time? Or would John be trapped forever in that place and time that he so desperately wanted to travel to?
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Read by Steve Simons
Episode 2 - Maths Colours and Destinations
Read by Steve Simons
Read by Steve Simons
Read by Steve Simons
Episode 5 - Treading on Egg Shells
Read by Steve Simons
Read by Steve Simons
Read by Steve Simons
Read by Steve Simons
Episode 9 - Judge Yea Not For Yea Shall Also
Read by Steve Simons
Episode 10 - One Crisis To Another
Read by Steve Simons
Episode 11 - And It Shall Come To Pass
Read by Steve Simons
Read by Steve Simons
Read by Steve Simons
Read by Steve Simons

Interesting story and time line. My only criticism is that I wanted more discussion among the two protagonists. It is a bit cursory. I’d like my SF to be on the harder science side; but I listened to episode 14 and can see the points. I’m always appreciative of both the writing and narration as they each take a massive effort, and I listen for free so a big Thank you is coming your way.
Over the Moon in Borneo
Lord Jim

I am really warming to Steve Simons' books and this story certainly did not disappoint. He writes with an honest naivete and his passion comes through in his narration. So if you want to indulge yourself in the lighter end of the sci-fi spectrum you need look no further than this author and this book. Well done a good 'un mate....
By: Ross

I enjoyed this book very much. I would love to hear a second tale of travel. The limiting factor of the Bermuda Triangle as the location of the black hole does pose a problem... Maybe the second book could be to the future? Perhaps to help explain the mysterious ship? ...
By: Suzanne

I'm enjoying the book. The only problem is the song. Although it is lovely, there's so much of it playing so often that it's now grating on my nerves. Maybe next time you could use it less after the first few episodes or not as the transition sound between scenes. ...
By: Dwight

I only could stand 1 and a half episodes with that horrible singer/music before I stopped listening. Get rid of the music and I would listen to more of the book even though the reader/narrator didn't sound that great. Compared to Basil Sands, Nathan Lowell, Richard S. Tuttle and Scott ...
By: Tim

I'm really enjoying the story so far, I like the method of time travel and I like the characters and the conflict, however I need to agree with everyone else about the song, it's too long in the intro. I don't mind it during the scene changes but I've found ...
By: Anne

Unfortunately the person reading this story lacks appropriate expression and seems to have a great deal of difficulty reading puntuation. Separate sentences or speaking characters are somtimes read as one line with no pause or change of expression. At other times, single sentences are read as though there is a ...
By: steve simons

Hi Folks, Thanks for the feedback. Noted especially comments about the music. Taken a different approach this time, hope you like it. The feedback spurred us on to have another go. TSOT was my first outing as a writer, so the characters were rather flat and 2-d, as i'd concentrated ...