Shaman Tales 1: South Coast
Gelesen von Nathan Lowell
Nathan Lowell

Otto is Richard Krugg's only son and heir to the Shaman's gift. The only problem is Otto doesn't want it. He wants to be a fisherman. When company policies force unwelcome changes onto his life and threaten even the security of the village, Otto discovers that being a shaman isn't optional.Jimmy Pirano is caught between the devil and the deep green sea when new production quotas are handed down from corporate headquarters. Locked into a century of existing practice, Jimmy is forced to find new ways to fish and new places to do it in or face the very real possibility that Pirano Fisheries will lose the St. Cloud franchise.Join Otto, Richard, and Rachel Krugg as they struggle with what it means to be the son of a shaman. Cast off with Jimmy, Tony, and Casey as they navigate the shoals and shallows of corporate fishery along the South Coast.
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Read by Nathan Lowell
Read by Nathan Lowell
Read by Nathan Lowell
Read by Nathan Lowell
Read by Nathan Lowell
Read by Nathan Lowell
Read by Nathan Lowell
Read by Nathan Lowell
Read by Nathan Lowell
Read by Nathan Lowell
Read by Nathan Lowell
Read by Nathan Lowell
Read by Nathan Lowell
Read by Nathan Lowell
Read by Nathan Lowell
Read by Nathan Lowell
Read by Nathan Lowell
Read by Nathan Lowell
Read by Nathan Lowell
Read by Nathan Lowell
Read by Nathan Lowell
By: Nathan

I need to finish writing it first. I had hoped to finish it before November, but that's not working out so well. I'm about 20k in but I need to put it down to do another project. Look for Cape Grace sometime early in 2012.
By: Nathan

The South Coast sequel is in my wordprocessor now. The sequel to Ravenwood is on deck right behind it. And there's a new Ishmael Wang series in the works for sometime in 2012. :D
mixed feelings about this book

As a story read by the author I enjoyed it. But I live in an area where once abundant fish, crab, shrimp are gone and where land has been and is being stripped of trees. All this has been because of greed and lack of understanding of how we and nature are intertwined. The storyline about increased quota to meet $$ goals made me wonder what the future held for the people and animals of that planet.
Born to a life!?

Mr. Lowell has once again out done himself. This time transporting us to life on a company planet, and the intrigues there in... I really am sucked into this universe that he is weaving. I see some connections to the other solar clipper stories Yes . I hope to see more in the future. Thanks from a great full reader / listener. V/r Ed
By: Andre

Great work .... Enjoyed this very much. Glad to hear theres more coming! I'm hoping we'll get to understand "the gift" a bit more. Right now I'm not sure if its just hocus, or theres something there. It may be that that's how you want it to be but my ...
By: Jonathan

I haven't started "reading" this book yet, but I'm looking forward to it and maybe a sequel or six? :) Loved trader tales. Actually helped me through a hard time in life believe it our not! I've got a couple of questions: Are you going to write a sequel to ...
By: Felicia

Thank you. I am trying to get South Coast now. I will also try to get the other tales from the Lammas wood; I cannot wait for the Ravenwood sequel. I thought it ended quite well I was surprised to have a sequel. That book warmed and cheered me well. ...
By: Joe Public

Well this book has been out for years and all i can say is that it is still an excellent listen and a good example of Mr Lowell's style There is real feeling in the telling and you do not need to have read / heard any of his other ...