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The ID Files

Gelesen von Jason Rennie

(3 Sterne; 1 Bewertungen)

The ID Files is a compilation of interviews about the recent Intelligent Design Controversy taken from The Sci Phi Show ( These interviews are with Dr Michael Shermer of the Skeptic Society, Salvador Cordova of the IDEA Centre, Dr Mike Behe of Lehigh University and Nick Matzke from the NCSE. The individuals represent a spectrum of positions on the question of Intelligent Design and these interviews serve as a useful introduction to the issues at stake and the ideas involved.

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Chapter 1

Read by Jason Rennie

Chapter 2

Read by Jason Rennie

Chapter 3

Read by Jason Rennie

Chapter 4

Read by Jason Rennie

Chapter 5

Read by Jason Rennie

Chapter 6

Read by Jason Rennie


(0 Sterne)

right off the bat the author makes his stance clear that he's in favor of ID and that the work is colored that way and not neutrally as his description would make one think. He also denies ID is the same as religion which anyone who's learned about knows it ...

(0 Sterne)

I was looking forward to these interviews. A good range of interviewees was chosen. I commend the author for attempting to address this issue with people from both side of the debate. Unfortunately, the interviews lack depth and are not as informative as 30 minutes with google. The philosophical issues ...

(0 Sterne)

Don't think that this will provide you with a fair and balanced case regarding intelligent design. It is very much biased in favor of intelligent design, the narrator is quite clear about that early on. I'd have to agree with George in that the interviews really lack depth. The narrator ...

(0 Sterne)

First let me applaud Jason Rennie for some interesting dialogues. In his opening remarks, his pro ID perspective shows, but in the interviews he remained largely neutral. That kind of interview approach works well in this type of controversy, where emotions run high. Personally, if it were I interviewing Michael ...

(0 Sterne)

Upon hearing the introduction, I prepared myself to listen very critically as I am anti-ID while Rennie admitted to being pro-ID. To my pleasant surprise, he (very politely) asked some challenging questions of everyone, although he didn' t always push on the responses. I consider this podiobook a balanced forum ...