Two Tactics of Social-Democracy in the Democratic Revolution
Gelesen von Christian Pecaut
Vladimir Ilyich Lenin

In the heat of the failed 1905 revolution in Russia, Lenin here contrasts the precision of the Bolshevik political program and tactics with various inconsistent and servile factions within the Russian Social-Democratic Labor Party. (Summary by Christian Pecaut)
This edition was edited by George Hanna. (6 hr 30 min)
From what Direction is the Proletariat Threatened with the Danger of Having its…
Read by Christian Pecaut
What Does Being A Party of Extreme Opposition In Time of Revolution Mean?
Read by Christian Pecaut
Revolutionary Communes and the Revolutionary-Democratic Dictatorship of the Pro…
Read by Christian Pecaut
A Cursory Comparison Between Several of the Resolutions of the Third Congress o…
Read by Christian Pecaut
Will the Sweep of the Democratic Revolution be Diminished if the Bourgeoisie Re…
Read by Christian Pecaut
Appendix I. What Do The Bourgeois Liberal Realists Praise The Social-Democratic…
Read by Christian Pecaut
Appendix II. Comrade Martynov Again Renders the Question More Profound
Read by Christian Pecaut
Appendix III. The Vulgar Bourgeois Representation of Dictatorship and Marx’s Vi…
Read by Christian Pecaut

anybody interested in the future of their countries and the world should read this

holy shit this is an extremely mediocre book
communism = universal liberation
Ben Maynard

Look, eveneryone knowd the world is not as it should be.But if you're tired of the "half hearted, or to put it mote bluntly and plainly, treacherous" democratic or liberal politicial parties in your country and you're not guillible enough to fall for qanon like conspiracy theories then... READ LENIN.