One-Act Play Collection 007
Read by LibriVox Volunteers

LibriVox’s One-Act Play Collection 007 includes one-act plays in the public domain read by a variety of LibriVox members.
Project BC: Michele Eaton
Cast listings:
Narrator: Ruth Golding
Cora Prout: Elizabeth Klett
Adrian Prout: bala
Thomas Gardner: Peter Tucker
Christine Feversham: Libby Gohn
BC, Editor, PL: Michele Eaton
BC: Algy Pug
The Woman Tamer
Narrator: Kristin Gjerløw
Katie: Libby Gohn
Chopsey Ryan: Algy Pug
Smithy the Liar: Peter Tucker
Constable Jones: Phil Benson
BC, PL, Editor: Algy Pug
Dead Timber
Narrator: Availle
A Selector: Algy Pug
Joe: Phil Benson
Abe: Peter Tucker
Wife: Kristin Gjerløw
Mary: Mary Kay
BC, Editor, PL: Michele Eaton
BC: Algy Pug
The Wedding
Narrator: Anastasiia Solokha
Evdokim Zaharovitch Zhigalov: ToddHW
Nastasya Timofeyevna: Caprisha Page
Dashenka: Kristin Gjerløw
Epaminond Maximovitch Aplombov: Ali Kazerani
Fyodor Yakovlevitch Revunov-Karaulov: Peter Tucker
Andrey Andreyevitch Nunin: MaryAnn
Anna Martinovna Zmeyukina: Libby Gohn
Ivan Mihailovitch Yats: azureblue
Harlampi spiridonovitch Dimba: Rapunzelina
Dmitri Stepanovitch Mozgovoy: Mary Kay
A Waiter: Lucy Perry
Groomsman: Elizabeth Klett
Gentleman 1: bala
Gentleman 2: Anastasiia Solokha
BC, PL, Editor: Anastasiia Solokha
The Anniversary
Narrator: Availle
Andrey Andreyevitch Shipuchin: Peter Tucker
Tatiana Alexeyevna: Elizabeth Klett
Kusma Nicolaievitch Khirin: Algy Pug
Nastasya Fyodorovna Merchutkina: Kristin Gjerløw
A Director of the Bank: Lucy Perry
BC, PL, Editor: David Lawrence
Narrator: Algy Pug
Capulchard: Chuck Williamson
The Woman Motive: Libby Gohn
The Man Motive: Peter Tucker
The Girl Motive: Kristin Gjerløw
The Sprite Motive: TriciaG
The Crone Motive: Lucy Perry
Voices: TriciaG
The Owl: Anastasiia Solokha
BC, PL, Editor: Chuck Williamson
A Tragedian In Spite of Himself
Narrator: Anastasiia Solokha
Ivan Ivanovitch Tolkachov: bala
Alexey Alexeyevich Murashkin: Ernst Pattynama
BC, PL, Editor: Anastasiia Solokha
The Slave With Two Faces
Narrator: Janet
Life, The Slave: bala
First Girl: Lucy Perry
Second Girl: Anastasiia Solokha
A Woman: Kristin Gjerløw
A Man: ToddHW
A Young Man: Mary Kay
A Workman: ToddHW
Old Man: Bev J Stevens
A Voice: TriciaG
Another Voice: Mary Kay
Third Voice: Availle
BC, PL, Editor: Lucy Perry
The Masque of the Two Strangers
Narrator: ToddHW
Joy: TriciaG
Laughter: Frances Brown
Song: Kristin Gjerløw
Dance: Amanda Friday
Service: Mary Kay
Poetry: Prachi Pendse
Hope: Lydia
Princess Douce-Coeur: Anna Simon
Sorrow: Availle
Fame: Ali Kazerani
Riches: Prachi Pendse
Power: Lucy Perry
Love: Ali Kazerani
Jester: Anastasiia Solokha
Herald: Mary Kay
BC, PL, Editor: Frances Brown
Narrator: bala
Mrs Horace Pringle: Kristin Gjerløw
Elaine: Frances Brown
Dunham: Algy Pug
BC, PL, Editor: Bria Snow
Narrator: clarsach
Luke Hazy: clarsach
A Revenue Officer: gregevans (5 hr 10 min)
The Stepmother | 38:27 | Read by LibriVox Volunteers |
The Woman Tamer | 24:39 | Read by LibriVox Volunteers |
Dead Timber | 21:33 | Read by LibriVox Volunteers |
The Wedding | 33:23 | Read by LibriVox Volunteers |
The Anniversary | 31:29 | Read by LibriVox Volunteers |
Grotesques | 48:43 | Read by LibriVox Volunteers |
A Tragedian in Spite of Himself | 16:57 | Read by LibriVox Volunteers |
The Slave With Two Faces | 23:46 | Read by LibriVox Volunteers |
The Masque of the Two Strangers | 32:00 | Read by LibriVox Volunteers |
Fourteen | 24:59 | Read by LibriVox Volunteers |
Moonshine | 14:05 | Read by clarsach |