Uncle Tom's Cabin

Read by John Greenman

(4.7 stars; 2496 reviews)

Among the most “banned” books in the United States, Uncle Tom’s Cabin; or, Life Among the Lowly is a novel by American author Harriet Beecher Stowe which treats slavery as a central theme. Stowe was a Connecticut-born teacher at the Hartford Female Academy and an active abolitionist. The novel is believed to have had a profound effect on the North’s view of slavery. In fact, when he met Harriet Beecher Stowe, President Lincoln is said to have commented, “So you’re the little lady whose book started the Civil War.” First published on March 20, 1852, the story focuses on the tale of Uncle Tom, a long-suffering black slave, the central character around whose life the other characters—both fellow slaves and slave owners—revolve. The novel depicts the harsh reality of slavery while also showing that Christian love and faith can overcome even something as evil as enslavement of fellow human beings. (summary by Wikipedia and John Greenman)

Note From the Reader:
The listener is about to enter a world rich with diverse characters. In order to differentiate between the characters, the reader has given each, his/her own voice. As an adult male reader, however, the reader's representation of women and children will, necessarily be less than adequate. He asks for your indulgence. (18 hr 6 min)


Chapter 1 25:36 Read by John Greenman
Chapter 2 7:45 Read by John Greenman
Chapter 3 12:16 Read by John Greenman
Chapter 4 28:06 Read by John Greenman
Chapter 5 20:36 Read by John Greenman
Chapter 6 21:04 Read by John Greenman
Chapter 7 29:43 Read by John Greenman
Chapter 8 36:38 Read by John Greenman
Chapter 9 39:28 Read by John Greenman
Chapter 10 23:30 Read by John Greenman
Chapter 11 33:11 Read by John Greenman
Chapter 12 39:39 Read by John Greenman
Chapter 13 22:07 Read by John Greenman
Chapter 14 25:06 Read by John Greenman
Chapter 15 40:03 Read by John Greenman
Chapter 16 45:10 Read by John Greenman
Chapter 17 40:54 Read by John Greenman
Chapter 18 39:06 Read by John Greenman
Chapter 19 49:19 Read by John Greenman
Chapter 20 35:15 Read by John Greenman
Chapter 21 11:29 Read by John Greenman
Chapter 22 17:02 Read by John Greenman
Chapter 23 17:11 Read by John Greenman
Chapter 24 16:05 Read by John Greenman
Chapter 25 11:12 Read by John Greenman
Chapter 26 31:01 Read by John Greenman
Chapter 27 18:21 Read by John Greenman
Chapter 28 34:58 Read by John Greenman
Chapter 29 18:09 Read by John Greenman
Chapter 30 23:47 Read by John Greenman
Chapter 31 14:14 Read by John Greenman
Chapter 32 19:49 Read by John Greenman
Chapter 33 16:54 Read by John Greenman
Chapter 34 26:37 Read by John Greenman
Chapter 35 14:47 Read by John Greenman
Chapter 36 15:50 Read by John Greenman
Chapter 37 15:27 Read by John Greenman
Chapter 38 25:06 Read by John Greenman
Chapter 39 22:33 Read by John Greenman
Chapter 40 17:03 Read by John Greenman
Chapter 41 15:44 Read by John Greenman
Chapter 42 15:01 Read by John Greenman
Chapter 43 20:09 Read by John Greenman
Chapter 44 9:05 Read by John Greenman
Chapter 45 24:27 Read by John Greenman


Superb Reading of an Important Classic

(5 stars)

This important book gives a small glimpse of the history of America during slavery. However, rather than an clear presentation of the facts, it’s importance comes from the moral questions it raised. The narrator if this edition is fabulous - very clear with proper emotional affect. I highly recommend THIS version for its wonderful narrator.

Heartbreaking and enlightening!

(5 stars)

Harriet is an amazing writer. This book so well gives you a look at what slavery was like. Uncle Tom's faith is truly Inspiring and it's a shame his name is now slandered out of context. Everyone needs to read this book! The reader was very talented as well didn't take anything away from this story.

(4.5 stars)

I rated this 5 stars for the reader/performer, who is truly excellent. Completely professional performance that breathed more life into this rather tedious book than I’d ever thought possible...highest standard I’ve encountered on LIbriVox so far. As for the book itself, it’s a bit of a mixed bag...I’m not even sure that the word ‘novel’ sums it up....it varies between novel, sermon and propaganda (albeit well argued and of course moral!). There are some quite effective scenes from a literary perspective but these occur mostly at the start of the novel. The hardest parts to wade through are the extended debates on Christianity and the soul, though I guess we have to appreciate the importance of these discussions to people at that time. As a modern reader, one thing this novel actually provoked me to consider was that novels written for the purpose of political or societal change are generally poor novels, however just their cause. The recent novel ‘When everything sounds like the movies’ springs to mind...great ‘cause’, very poor novel. There are of course great novels that provoke us to consider social issues (Of Mice and Men, etc), but they do so more effectively because of their primary focus on the quality of the story. Once more, though, I want to praise the reader of this text...incredible stuff.


(5 stars)

I am slightly disappointed that I've been on this Earth for 30 years and have just now read Uncle Tom's Cabin. My dad had told me about it when I was younger and it had always been on my ever growing list of books to read. Within minutes of listening I was sucked in. I am absolutely in awe of everything I've experienced emotionally upon finishing this book. I wish it had been required reading in high school. The writing, the weaving of the story, the characters. My heart is so full and yet breaking at the same time. I am so thankful to the narrator for donating his time and effort to bring this incredible piece of literature to life. I highly recommend giving this a read and or listen.

(5 stars)

I am so grateful to have been able to listen to this book. It took a few months for me to be able to work though it and absorb the material, but I am the better for it. Both expected and unexpected, we journey long and hard with Tom and those who are close to him, conscious of the authors choices of characters to portray the many sides of slavery, yet transfixed by the story itself. Thank you for taking the time to record this and for honoring this brave work and the lives of those people whom the pages were based on.

A Revelation

(5 stars)

Not at all what I expected - which was something preachy and well intentioned but not a very interesting story. But while you might call it preachy it's a rousing good story on top of its moral argument. Which is why it has been a banned book. A tale well told with an underlying moral rectitude and argument against slavery was a powerful weapon against that great national evil. And it has power and a message for us today as well.

Great book

(5 stars)

This was a powerful piece of literature that really captures the brutality and hopelessness of American slavery. You really get invested in thr characters and feel what they feel. Also the reader in this audiobook is very well spoken and speaks with emotion and different vocal inflection for different characters

can't look at things the same way anymore

(5 stars)

excerptly narrated, easy to jump in and feel each character. you think you understand our countries past mistakes, you don't. you can't. Beautiful. Every human should read this and it may help us all