幼年童話 (Yonen Dowa) Part 1

Read by ekzemplaro

(5 stars; 1 reviews)


NIIMI Nankichi wrote around 30 short stories for small children around May in 1935 to publish a book. However, they were not accepted by the publisher. In total he wrote around 50 stories for small children, most of them were published after his death. This collection includes 25 of those stories. (Summary by Uchida Masatomo) (1 hr 7 min)


おかあさんたち 3:40 Read by ekzemplaro
木の祭り 3:48 Read by ekzemplaro
赤い蝋燭 3:31 Read by ekzemplaro
サルト サムライ 1:38 Read by ekzemplaro
ナガレボシ 1:56 Read by ekzemplaro
ミチコサン 2:09 Read by ekzemplaro
カタツムリノ ウタ 1:27 Read by ekzemplaro
ラツパ 1:26 Read by ekzemplaro
カナヅチ 2:24 Read by ekzemplaro
カゴカキ 2:11 Read by ekzemplaro
センセイノ コ 2:24 Read by ekzemplaro
デンデンムシ 2:12 Read by ekzemplaro
ヌスビトト コヒツヂ 2:18 Read by ekzemplaro
仔牛 2:37 Read by ekzemplaro
驢馬の びつこ 3:01 Read by ekzemplaro
チユーリツプ 3:45 Read by ekzemplaro
うまれて 来る 雀達 2:21 Read by ekzemplaro
ウマヤノ ソバノ ナタネ 6:50 Read by ekzemplaro
ヒロツタ ラツパ 5:49 Read by ekzemplaro
デンデンムシノ カナシミ 1:45 Read by ekzemplaro
ウグヒスブエヲ フケバ 1:59 Read by ekzemplaro
たけのこ 1:54 Read by ekzemplaro
フルイ バシヤ 2:03 Read by ekzemplaro
がちょうの たんじょうび 2:32 Read by ekzemplaro
カンザシ 2:00 Read by ekzemplaro