Prime Numbers
Read by LibriVox Volunteers

A recording of the first 2000 prime numbers (2-17389). Recommended listening for all math geeks and insomniacs! (1 hr 45 min)
First 1000 Primes (2-7919) | 43:38 | Read by LibriVox Volunteers |
Second 1000 Primes (7927-17389) | 1:01:43 | Read by LibriVox Volunteers |
Changed My Life

Fake Reviews
Amazing creativity and mathematical rigor. Extremely unpredictable storyline and begins with a plot twist!

That Guy..
fantastic !! why wasnt it on the NY best sellers list ?

Friendly Neighbourhood Anarchist
Exactly what it says on the tin.
Amusing and Comforting

God bless the zeal of the readers. This book on primes is both amusing and comforting to listen to. Once you start, you’ll be surprised how far you’ll go.
love the kid who starts reading at 11,677!

separately, there are a couple ranges that get read twice in the 10,000s

Some of the readers sound like their dying on the inside trying to read nothing but numbers. LOL

A LibriVox Listener
if you want to fall asleep fast this is it great

A LibriVox Listener
Who would do something like this??