Address Unknown

(3.5 stars; 3 reviews)

Henry Simon as the host. This 1970 South African series presents stories from the files of The South African Missing Persons Bureau. The programs are dramatized by Ross Napier. The series was sponsored by Colgate. The most entertaining Thriller programs are based on real life. Address Unknown was based on stories from the Missing Persons Bureau files in London. A real missing person is at the core of every episode. Although the cases are well beyond cold by now, Address Unknown is sure to delight mystery and Whodunit fans everywhere. Synopsis from: Old Time Radio Downloads

This recording is part of the Old Time Radio collection.



Absolutely Fantastic

(5 stars)

I have listened only to the first two selections; since it has only today been released, perhaps someone did not see that the first two selections are the same story.. both having the exact same length of running time… and having two-syllable second name, both starting with the sound of “B” and ending with that of “r”. (“Frans Buller” was the name used in one title; “Frans Boger” was used in the other one of the back-to-back selections.) This is yet another real delight that you at LibriVox have seemingly plucked from the ether and returned to us, the listening audience. I thank you so very much for reintroducing Those of us who still breathe …to Those whose breath is now stilled. We, the living chorus, sing with more richness for being touched by these voices of ages past. Again, I thank you for returning all these voices to us!!

Springbok radio

(5 stars)

Lives on here, good radio this. There was no TV available in South Africa when this aired