Beautiful Stories from Shakespeare - version 2

Read by ShrimpPhish

(4.5 stars; 1 reviews)

Adaptations of Shakespearian plays for young readers. - Summary by ShrimpPhish (5 hr 17 min)


Preface 4:20 Read by ShrimpPhish
A Brief Life of Shakespeare 8:01 Read by ShrimpPhish
A Midsummer's Night Dream 11:58 Read by ShrimpPhish
The Tempest 11:19 Read by ShrimpPhish
As You Like It 9:12 Read by ShrimpPhish
The Winter's Tale 12:04 Read by ShrimpPhish
King Lear 6:55 Read by ShrimpPhish
Twelfth Night 12:24 Read by ShrimpPhish
Much Ado About Nothing 20:35 Read by ShrimpPhish
Romeo and Juliet 13:54 Read by ShrimpPhish
Pericles 11:25 Read by ShrimpPhish
Hamlet 12:06 Read by ShrimpPhish
Cymbeline 12:35 Read by ShrimpPhish
Macbeth 14:30 Read by ShrimpPhish
The Comedy of Errors 15:36 Read by ShrimpPhish
The Merchant of Venice 11:11 Read by ShrimpPhish
Timon of Athens 18:25 Read by ShrimpPhish
Othello 16:39 Read by ShrimpPhish
The Taming of the Shrew 12:42 Read by ShrimpPhish
Measure for Measure 14:08 Read by ShrimpPhish
Two Gentlemen of Verona 17:18 Read by ShrimpPhish
All's Well that Ends Well 13:06 Read by ShrimpPhish
Quotations from Shakespeare 36:52 Read by ShrimpPhish