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Hugh Mchugh
Read by Laurie Banza

John Henry has a comedic commentary and opinion on everything that goes on in his life. This time, he tackles the subjects of race tipsters, bridge, amateur photography, the grip, courting, summer resorts, and on great men. Chuckle after chuckle, as he interacts and has conversations with his wife, strangers, the doctor, and his friends, he takes the reader on a humorous journey the way he interprets and lives life! Note: The author of this book is George V. Hobart who also wrote under the pseudonym Hugh McHugh.
- Summary by Laurie Banza (1 hr 10 min)
JOHN HENRY ON RACE TIPSTERS | 12:32 | Read by Laurie Banza |
JOHN HENRY ON BRIDGE WHIST | 12:01 | Read by Laurie Banza |
JOHN HENRY ON AMATEUR PHOTOGRAPHY | 7:47 | Read by Laurie Banza |
JOHN HENRY ON THE GRIP | 9:45 | Read by Laurie Banza |
JOHN HENRY ON COURTING | 7:24 | Read by Laurie Banza |
JOHN HENRY ON SUMMER RESORTS | 8:06 | Read by Laurie Banza |
JOHN HENRY ON GREAT MEN | 13:09 | Read by Laurie Banza |

I am the reader of this book, I assure you, not a computer generated voice. I practiced the voice inflections for the character, John Henry, and used an acceptable “pitch only” change in the recording software to produce Mr. Henry’s character voice - which I then continued to use in the other books featuring this character. - Laurie
the best actor/reader! Funny tale

Uncle Ell Weisgal
I don't understand how anybody could complain about this reader. she or he is absolutely incredible. does the different voices for each character and all and I respect the hell out of that!
computer reader

Angie Lisenbee
I don't think that's a real human reading. 😕 I'll try to listen but it's really hard to get past the computer cadance